Bergen and western Norway will play a leading role both nationally and internationally within medieval studies and related fields.
Medieval studies has enjoyed a strong position in Bergen since the establishment of Bergen Museum in 1825, and has been an important part of the research environment at the University of Bergen from its founding in 1946.
The Medieval Research Cluster is firmly rooted in a broad and interdisciplinary environment both inside and outside of UiB.
Medieval research is an integral part of several disciplines at the university, such as art history, comparative literature, philology, archaeology, the study of religions, history, geology, botany and music.
The Medieval Research Cluster aims to encourage more collaboration with colleagues and external partners, such as museums, collections, archives, schools, the tourism industry, the wider public sector and other representatives from culture and society. The goal is to increase awareness of and knowledge about the Middle Ages by presenting research in new and different contexts.

Research Cluster Members
- University of Bergen
- Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
- Vestland County Council
- City of Bergen
- Bergen City Museum
- Museum Vest
- Hardanger and Voss Museum
- Sunnhordland Museum
- Directorate for Cultural Heritage
- The Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (regional office Bergen)
- National Trust of Norway (regional office Hordaland)
- Bømlo Municipality