We study insects, arachnids and myriapods, their diversity, evolution, and ecology with particular focus on bark beetles, true bugs, millipeds, spiders and mites.
Main content
Bjarte Jordal study the taxonomy, phylogenetics, biogeography and global spread of bark and ambrosia beetles. Taxonomic revisions include mainly Neotropical and Afrotropical groups with a particular focus on southern Africa and Madagascar.
Dimitar Dimitrov main research interests are in spider systematics, ecology, and evolution. He is also interested in global diversity patterns, macroevolution and biogeography and he works on several study systems beyond spiders (e.g., plants).
Steffen Roth focuses on the phylogeny, ecology, behavior and faunistics of true bugs, in particular bed bugs and damsel bugs. Other research activities include biological aspects of heelwalkers (Mantophasmatodea).
Anna Seniczak has her main research interests in oribatid mites: their systematics, diversity, biogeography, and ecology, in particular their role as bioindicators.
Per Djursvoll’s specialty is myriapods and his main research interests are systematics and faunistics on the Holarctic family Polydesmidae.
Currently funded projects include:
- BiGTREE (HKdir funded NORPART training network between Norway, Colombia and Peru).
- ‘Mites of Atlantic Raised Bogs in Norway (MARB)’ funded by Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre (NBIC, Artsdatabanken).
- ‘Soil Organisms in the Subarctic (SOS)’ funded by Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre, led by Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO).
More information on our research interests and lists of relevant publications are available on our personal webpages following the links at the bottom of this page.
Prospective students interested in working on projects with insects, arachnids and myriapods are encouraged to contact Bjarte Jordal or Dimitar Dimitrov.
You can find more information on the entomological collections here. Information about our collection and particularly published data is also available on the GBIF website here