Faculty of Social Sciences

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Supervision Forum for PhD supervisors

Lunch Seminar, Supervision Forum for PhD supervisors 20.10.2021

Welcome to the 4th Supervision Forum for PhD supervisors at the Faculty of Social Sciences!

Main content

The next edition of SV’s Supervisors’ Forum will take place on 20 October 12.00-13.30 and will focus on discussing ‘Co-authorship between supervisor and PhD candidate’ 

Article based PhD theses have become quite common, also in the social sciences and the humanities, with supervisors as article co-authors.  In this meeting we will discuss the role of the supervisor as a co-author, addressing issues like how much should the supervisor be involved in article writing, and the possible contradiction with the independence we want a PhD student to exert.

Siri Gloppen (Deputy Dean) will open the seminar.

Marija Slavkovik (Head of Department, INFOMEVI) will kick of the discussion with reflections on the topic. 

Bjørnar Tessem (INFO) will open the floor for questions and comments from the audience and act as the moderator.

The seminar will be held in English.

Location: Lauritz Meltzers hus (SV-bygget): Møterom 904 or Digital.

