Department of Government
PhD profile

Ph.d.-profil: Alfa S. Winge

The PhD focus on analytical capacity, situational understanding, cooperation and decision making. Winge’s PhD is funded by Regional Research Fund Vestland and Bergen municipality.

Main content

Which actors can help explain differences in motivation for cooperation?

Alfa Winge’s Public PhD project is part of a Norwegian joint project by Bergen municipality and NORCE. Cand.Polit. Comparative Politics (1996), Winge builds upon 25 years of experience in analysis, compliance and strategy. The PhD started January 2020, scheduled to finish by July 2023 and focus’ on analytical capacity, situational understanding, cooperation and decision making. Winge’s PhD is funded by Regional Research Fund Vestland and Bergen municipality and supervised by Associate Professor Kristin Rubecksen and Professor Lise Rykkja at Department of Administration and Organization Theory at the University of Bergen, Norway. Winge also holds a part time position as researcher at the Royal Norwegian Naval Academy.


Winge has published one book chapter on Joint Situation Awareness, in Beredskap og krisehåndtering, Utfordringer på sentralt, regionalt og lokalt nivå, edited by Ann-Karin Larssen (2022) Available here.

Spring 2022, Winge works on a paper analysing the decision-making process of Bergen-Engines case,  exploring whether instrumental factors such as lack of legislation, or institutional factors such as dominant frames can explain this blunder of governance. Based on public documents, this article analyses how individual and organisational bias can influence perceptions of threats in a way that constitutes organisational vulnerabilities.

Winge’s next paper will analyse perceptions of cooperation in the area of crisis management and factors which can help explain differences in motivation for cooperation. Interviews with 18 actors from different levels and organisations within the field of civil protection and crisis management will form an important part of this paper.