Department of Comparative Politics

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Professorens valg - Litteraturhuset i Bergen

Class power and EU Austerity

Chosing his own subject, prof. Michael Alvarez uses neo-Marxist analysis on te subject of Class Power and EU austerity at the Literature House Friday 30 October 19.00.

Class power and EU austerity

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Neo-Marxist theories of the state emphasize the manners in which social class interests and power are reflected in public policy. Specifically, neo-Marxists call attention to the dependence of society and state actors upon the private capitalist business class: Citizens and state actors feel compelled to cultivate a friendly business environment as a precondition for advancing our own interests related to economic growth, employment, and income. The ongoing structural adjustment and austerity programs of the EU illustrate this very well.

Michael Alvarez talk will focus on how such neo-Marxist analyses help us make sense of the EU approach, illustrating the relevance and usefulness of such approaches for understanding the political economy of contemporary Europe.

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