LINGCLIM: Language, climate and lifestyle

News archive for LINGCLIM: Language, climate and lifestyle

How is the use of language about "shame" in questions about climate change received by the older generations of Norwegians (65+), and what does talking about shame accomplish? Should we rather talk about responsibility or guilt?
"I already live climate-friendly and I am furious at the wasteful consumption of the youth. They have a consumption of everything that is completely beyond comprehension.” This is the response of an elderly person answering the question of whether it is possible to live more climate-friendly.
On 10 November, Ida Vikøren Andersen and Øyvind Gjerstad from the CLIMLIFE project attended a breakfast meeting together with Espen Gamlund for a conversation about why we are not doing enough in the face of climate change.
The CLIMLIFE project has completed a report on the results of a survey on the attitudes of the elderly (65+) to climate and lifestyle.
The research shows great technology optimism in the population.
The CLIMLIFE project gave a comprehensive presentation of undertaken research for its Scientific Advisory Committee.
Research fellow in the LINGCLIM group, Runa Falck, gave a presentation at the DIGSSCORE/Norwegian Citizen Panel lunch seminar.
The Norwegian Researcher School in Environmental Humanities (NoRS-EH) took place August 22–26 2022.
Øyvind Gjerstad, Francis Badiang Oloko and Kjersti Fløttum participated at the Nordic Romanist Conference (ROM22).
Professor Dag Elgesem, member of the CLIMLIFE project group, held a presentation at the yearly DIGSSCORE seminar, 24th June 2022.
On 24th May 2022, Kjersti Fløttum held a keynote on the topic “Attitudes of young people on the climate and the climate debate – with a specific perspective on lifestyle”.
Blogginnlegg fra Ida Vikøren Andersen, Institutt for fremmedspråk, UiB. I 2019 streiket skoleelever over hele Norge for klimahandling. De største demonstrasjonene fant sted i de store byene, men lokale streiker ble arrangert også i de fleste småbyer og bygder. Engasjementet blant de unge var enormt og mange snakket om en generasjonskløft i klimasaken. Hvordan har engasjementet holdt seg gjennom... Read more
Blogginnlegg fra Øyvind Gjerstad og Kjersti Fløttum, Institutt for fremmedspråk, UiB: En analyse av fritt formulerte svar fra over tusen nordmenn gir et interessant bilde av hvordan de ser på sin rolle i klimaspørsmålet.
How can we, as individuals, reduce our emissions and thus our carbon footprint? In this short video, Helge Drange, climate researcher at the University of Bergen and member of the CLIMLIFE project (LINGCLIM research group), presents five solutions, the so-called "five Bs": "biff, bruk, bil, boeing, bolig" (English: beef, consumption, car, airplane, housing).
Dag Elgesem participated as a main speaker at a professional meeting on how climate change affects our mental health, arranged by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health on 31st March 2022.
Between 15th-24th March 2022, held Kjersti Fløttum several LINGCLIM-related lectures.
On March 9th, a debate article on "Hva er de unge villige til å ofre for klimaet?" (English: "What are young people willing to sacrifice for the climate?"), written by Kjersti Fløttum, was published in the local newspaper Bergens Tidende.
