Selmer Center in Secure Communication

Central Bank Digital Currency - Hackaton

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A central bank digital currency (CBDC) is a digital form of central bank money denominated in the official unit of account for general-purpose users. In the hackathon with CBDC context, all interested parties are invited to explore possible bridges for transferring CBDC-tokens between an “openCBDC” network and EVM-compatible networks. 

Norges Bank, Simula UiB and the University of Bergen organized a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) event in Bergen, Norway, in October 2022.

The CBDC event is part of Norges Bank’s ongoing CBDC project and consists of a conference on Friday, 21 Oct 2022, with talks by experts from industry, the central bank, and academia, followed by a hackathon, targeting the development of an open platform for central bank digital currencies.