Lunch seminars in Comparative Political Economy
An inter-departmental seminar series at the University of Bergen

Main content
Georg Picot (Department of Comparative Politics),
Katharina Sass (Department of Sociology),
Schedule for Autumn 2024
Location: meeting room, Christies gate 15, 2nd floor
23 September, 12:15-13:15h
Ann Cathrin Corrales-Øverlid (Department of Social Anthropology)
“«Work-related crime» or exploitation of migrant workers? EU migrants’ struggle against precarious and exploitative labor relations in Norway”
21 October, 12:15-13:15h
Erick Alvarez (Department of Comparative Politics)
“Executive constraints and economic growth”
4 November, 12:15-13:15h
Ruben Mathisen (Department of Comparative Politics)
“Public opinion and taxation in Western democracies”
18 November, 12:15-13:15h
Odd Gåsdal (Department of Sociology)
“Climate change and theories of economic growth, with an emphasis on Marxist theories”
2 December, 12:15-13:15h
Collective discussion of:
Gidron, N. & Hall, P. A. (2017) The politics of social status: economic and cultural roots of the populist right. The British Journal of Sociology, 68(S1), S57-S84