Department of Comparative Politics
trial lecture and public defence

Trial lecture and public defence - Jon Kåre Skiple

Welcome to the trial lecture and public defence of Jon Kåre Skiple, Department of Comparative Politics, August 23rd.

Main content


Jon Kåre Skiple at the Department of Comparative Politics will give a trial lecture for the PhD degree on the assigned topic:

"Discuss how the results generated from your PhD dissertation, which are based on the cases of Norway and Denmark, may or may not be generalised to other apex courts".

  • Time:  Friday, 23rd August 2019, at 09:15 a.m.                        
  • Place: Auditorium in Ulrike Pihls hus, Prof. Keysers gt. 1



  • Time: Friday, 23rd August 2019, at 10:30 a.m.             
  • Place: Auditorium in Ulrike Pihls hus, Prof. Keysers gt. 1

The title of the thesis is:

«Shaping Judicial Preferences: Institutions, Appointments and Discretion on Nordic Supreme Courts»

Opponents for the public defence:

  • 1st opponent: Professor Daniel Naurin, PluriCourts, Centre for the Study of the Legitimate Roles of the Judiciary in the Global Order, University of Oslo
  • 2nd opponent: Associate Professor Keren Weinshall, Faculty of Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem


The third member of the committee is: Professor Anne Lise Fimreite, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen

The public defence will be chaired by acting dean Professor Jacob Aars.

The event is open to the public