Risks, uncertainties and resilience
AFINO invites everyone who is interested to a webinar on Responsible Research and Innovation after the Covid-19 crisis.
Main content
This event was held on 7 September 2020.
AFINO - Ansvarlig forskning og innovasjon i Norge - is a virtual research centre for theory and activities on Responsible Research and Innovation and Corporate Social Responsibility.
At the Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities (SVT), Anne Bremer leads WP3: “The AFINO Research School”, which will develop and run interdisciplinary courses for PhD candidates from varied research cultures, on RRI and CSR, and Matthias Kaiser participates in WP3, in addition to leading WP8: “Integrity, ethics and responsibility in RRI and CSR."
Both Bremer and Kaiser are chairs at this webinar, and SVT's Jeroen van der Sluijs is a speaker.
Information about the webinar below (taken from NTNU's website):
Please note that the program is subject to change.
10.00-10.15: Opening and practical info
Part 1 (10.15-11.30): The challenges of anticipation - Predicting, Preparing, Prioritising
The future is full of opportunities, risks and uncertainties. How can we critically and responsibly decide what to prioritise and where to concentrate our efforts?
Giovanni de Grandis (NTNU) and Erik Thorstensen (OsloMet)
Joyce Tait (Innogen institute, University of Edinburgh)
Jeroen van der Sluijs (SVT, University of Bergen)
Arthur Petersen (University College London)
Part 2 (12.00-13.15): Development, Inclusion and Resilience
Crises expose society’s cracks and often hit harder on vulnerable and marginal groups. How can we agree on shared goals, values and commitments?
Siri G. Carson (NTNU) and Kristian Alm (BI)
Sir Peter Gluckman (Centre for Informed Futures, University of Auckland)
Lars Klüver (The Danish Board of Technology)
Atle Midttun (BI Norwegian Business School)
Tatiana Iakovleva (Stavanger Business School, UiS)
Part 3 (14.15-15.30): Adaptation, Openness and Vulnerability
As we adapt technologies to new uses and emerging needs, new vulnerabilities emerge and challenge existing practices and regulations. How can we reconcile agility and flexibility in innovation with reflexivity and critical scrutiny?
Matthias Kaiser (UiB) and Anne Bremer (UiB)
Jack Stilgoe (University College London)
Hanne Andersen (University of Copenhagen)
Irina Brass (University College London)