Ecological and Environmental Change Research Group

Biodiversity patterns and altitudinal gradients

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Baniya, C.B., Solhøy, T., Gauslaa, Y. & Palmer, M.W. 2012. Richness and composition of vascular plants and cryptogams along a high elevational gradient on Buddha Mountain, Central Tibet. Folia Geobotanica 10.1007/s12224-011-9113-x

Felde, V.A., Kapfer, J. & Grytnes, J.-A. 2012. Upward shift in elevational plant species ranges in Sikkilsdalen, central Norway. Ecography. 10.1111/j.1600-0587.2011.07057.x

Hawkins, B.A., McCain, C.M., Davies, T.J., Buckley, L.B., Anacker, B.L., Cornell, H.V., Damschen, E.I., Grytnes, J.-A., Harrison, S., Holt, R.D., Kraft, N.J.B. & Stephens, P.R. 2012. Different evolutionary histories underlie congruent species richness gradients of birds and mammals. Journal of Biogeography 39: 825-841. 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2011.02655.x

Lenoir, J., Virtanen, R., Oksanen, J., Oksanen, L., Luoto, M., Grytnes, J.-A. & Svenning, J.-C. 2012. Dispersal ability links to cross-scale species diversity patterns across the Eurasian Arctic tundra. Global Ecology and Biogeography 21: 851-860. 10.1111/j.1466-8238.2011.00733.x

Marcante, S., Sierra-Almeida, A., Spindelböck, J., Erschbamer, B. & Neuner, G. 2012. Frost as a limiting factor for recruitment and establishment of early development stages in an alpine glacier foreland? Journal of Vegetation Science 10.1111/j.1654-1103.2012.01411.x

Meineri, E., Skarpaas, O. & Vandvik, V. 2012. Modelling alpine plant distributions at the landscape scale: Do biotic interactions matter? Ecological Modelling 231: 1-10. 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2012.01.021

Acharya, K.P., Vetaas, O.R. & Birks, H.J.B. 2011. Orchid species richness along Himalayan elevational gradients. Journal of Biogeography 38: 1821-1833. 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2011.02511.x

Engler, R., Randin, C.F., and 26 others including Grytnes, J.-A. & Høistad, F. 2011. 21st century climate change threatens mountain flora unequally across Europe. Global Change Biology 17: 2330-2341. 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2010.02393.x

Kessler, M., Grytnes, J.-A., Halloy, S.R.P., Kluge, J., Krömer, T., León, B., Macía, M.J. & Young, K.R. 2011. Gradients of plant diversity: local patterns and processes. In: Climate change and biodiversity in the Tropical Andes. (eds: Herzog, S.K., Martinez, R., Jørgensen, P.M. & Tiessen, H.) Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) and Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE), pp. 204-219.

Auffret, A.G., Meineri, E.P., Bruun, H.H., Ejrnæs, R. & Braae, B.J. 2010. Ontogenetic niche shifts in three Vaccinium species on a sub-alpine mountain side. Plant Ecology and Diversity 3: 131-139. 10.1080/17550874.2010.498063

Baniya, C.B. 2010. Vascular and cryptogram richness in the world's highest alpine zone, Tibet. Mountain Research and Development 30: 275-281. 10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-09-00057.1

Baniya, C.B., Solhøy, T., Gauslaa, Y. & Palmer, M.W. 2010. The elevation gradient of lichen species richness in Nepal. The Lichenologist 42: 83-96. 10.1017/S0024282909008627

Buckley, L.B., Davies, T.J., Ackerly, D.D., Kraft, N.J.B., Harrison, S.P., Anacker, B.L, Cornell, H.V., Damschen, E.I., Davies, T.J., Grytnes, J.-A., Hawkins, B.A., McCain, C.M., Stephens, P.R. & Wiens, J.J. 2010. Phylogeny, niche conservatism and the latitudinal diversity gradient in mammals. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 277: 2131-2138. 10.1098/rspb.2010.0179

La Qiong, Grytnes, J.-A. & Birks, H.J.B. 2010. Alpine vegetation and species-richness patterns along two altitudinal gradients in the Gyama Valley, south-central Tibet, China. Plant Ecology and Diversity 3: 235-247. 10.1080/17550874.2010.542782

Lenoir, J., Gegout, J.-C., Guisan, A., Vittoz, P., Wohlgemuth, T., Zimmermann, N.E., Dullinger, S., Pauli, H., Willner, W., Grytnes, J.-A., Virtanen, R. & Svenning, J.-C. 2010. Cross-scale analysis of the region effect on vascular plant species diversity in southern and northern European mountain ranges. PLoS ONE 5: e15734. 10.1371/journal.pone.0015734

McCain C.M. & Grytnes, J.-A. 2010. Elevational gradients in species richness. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences - Ecology. Jonsson, R. (ed). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 10 pp. 10.1002/9780470015902.a0022548

Fjellheim, A., Boggero, A., Brancelj, A., Cogalniceanu, P., Dumnicka, E., Galas, J., Gâldean, N., Kownacki, A., Preda, E., Raddum, G., Rîsnoveanu, G., Sporka, F., Stuchlik, E., Vandvik, V. & Vidinova, Y. 2009. Diversity and distribution patterns of benthic invertebrates along alpine gradients. A study of remote European freshwater lakes. Advances in Limnology 62: 167-190.

Gotelli, N.J., Anderson, M.J. & 19 others including Grytnes, J.-A. 2009. Patterns and causes of species richness: a general simulation model for macroecology. Ecology Letters 12: 873-886. 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2009.01353.x

Shrestha, K.B. &  Vetaas, O.R. 2009. The forest ecotone effect on species richness in an arid trans-Himalayan landscape of Nepal. Folia Geobotanica 44: 247-262.

Grytnes, J.-A. & Romdal, T.S. 2008. Using museum collections to estimate diversity patterns along geographical gradients. Folia Geobotanica 43: 357-369. 10.1007/s12224-008-9017-6

Grytnes, J.-A., Beaman, J.H. Romdal, T.S. & Rahbek, C. 2008. The mid-domain effect matters: simulation analyses of range-size distribution data from Mount Kinabalu, Borneo. Journal of Biogeography 35: 2138-2147. 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2008.01952.x

Grytnes, J.-A., Heegaard, E. & Romdal, T.S. 2008. Can the mass effect explain the mid-altitudinal peak in vascular plant species richness? Basic and Applied Ecology 9: 373-382.

Vetaas, O.R. & Ferrer-Castán, D. 2008. Patterns of woody plant species richness in the Iberian Peninsula: environmental range and spatial scale. Journal of Biogeography 35: 1863-1878. 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2008.01931.x

Grau, O., Grytnes, J.-A. & Birks, H.J.B. 2007. A comparison of altitudinal species richness patterns of bryophytes with other plant groups in Nepal, central Himalaya. Journal of Biogeography 34: 1907-1915. 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2007.01745.x

Grytnes, J.-A. & McCain, C.M. 2007. Elevational patterns in species richness. In: Encyclopedia of Biodiversity. Levin, S. (Editor) Elsevier 1-8. 10.1016/B978-012226865-6/00503-1

Miehe, G., Miehe, S., Vogel, J. Co, S. & La Duo 2007. Highest treeline in the Northern Hemisphere found in Southern Tibet. Mountain Research and Development 27: 169-173. 10.1659/mrd.0792

Romdal, T.S. & Grytnes, J.-A. 2007. An indirect area effect on elevational species richness patterns. Ecography 30: 440-448. 10.1111/J.0906-7590.2007.04954.x

Bhattarai, K.R. & Vetaas, O.R. 2006. Can Rappoport's rule explain tree species richness along the Himalayan elevation gradient, Nepal? Diversity and Distributions 12: 373-378. 10.1111/j.1366-9516.2006.00244.x

Bratli, H., Økland, T., Økland, R.H., Dramsted, W.E., Elven, R., Engan, G., Fjellstad, W., Heegaard, E., Pedersen, O., & Solstad, H. 2006. Patterns of variation in vascular plant species richness and composition in SE Norwegian agricultural landscapes. Agriculture, Ecosystems, & Environment 114: 270-286.

Bruun, H.H., Moen, J., Virtanen, R., Grytnes, J.-A., Oksanen, L. & Angerbjörn, A. 2006. Effects of altitude and topography on species richness of vascular plants, bryophytes, and lichens in alpine communities. Journal of Vegetation Science 17: 37-46. 10.1658/1100-9233(2006)017[0037:EOAATO]2.0.CO;2

Grytnes, J.-A. & Beaman, J.H. 2006. Elevational species richness patterns for vascular plants on Mount Kinabalu, Borneo. Journal of Biogeography 33: 1838-1849. 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2006.01554.x

Grytnes, J.-A., Heegaard, E. & Ihlen, P.G. 2006. Species richness of vascular plants, bryophytes, and lichens along an altitudinal gradient in western Norway. Acta Oecologia 29: 241-246. 10.1016/j.actao.2005.10.007

Bhattarai, K.R. & Vetaas, O.R. 2005. Do fern and fern-allies show similar response to climatic factors along the ecological gradient in the Himalayas? Bulletin of the Department of Plant Resources 26: 24-29.

Ferrar-Castán, D. & Vetaas, O.R. 2005. Pteridophyte richness, climate, and topography in the Iberian Peninsula: comparing spatial and non-spatial models of richness patterns. Global Ecology and Biogeography 14: 155-165.

Jing, S., Solhøy, T. Wang, H.F., Vollon, T.I. & Xu, R.M. 2005. Differences in soil arthropod communities along a high altitude gradient at Shergyla Mountain, Tibet, China. Arctic, Antarctic & Alpine Research 37: 261-266.

Totland, O., Grytnes, J.-A., Heegaard, E. 2005. Willow canopies and plant community structure along an alpine environmental gradient. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 36: 428-435.

Bhattarai, K.R., Veetaas, O.R. & Grytnes, J.A. 2004. Relationship between plant species richness and biomass in an arid sub-alpine grassland of the central Himalayas, Nepal. Folia Geobotanica 39: 57-71.

Bhattarai, K.R. Vetaas, O.R. & Grytnes, J.A. 2004. Fern species richness along a central Himalayan elevational gradient. Journal of Biogeography 31: 389-400.