Department of Biological Sciences (BIO)

Live from the Lab: Stories of Animal Ancestors

Have you ever wanted to travel back in time and understand how animal life came to be? This series might be your best chance. Join researchers as they ask the same overarching question: what did animal ancestors look like?

Skjematisk fremstilling av marine organismer i et fylogenetisk diagram

Main content

In an attempt to answer this question we will discuss modern methods in science, take a look at the fossil record, how cells shape the bodies of different animals and how they evolve. Bring along your burning questions on the origins and evolution of animal life and join in the discussion live via Zoom or YouTube.

30 November: How to Generate and Regenerate an Organism

Researchers from Comparative Developmental Biology group (Hejnol group) at BIO will share with you the joy and the pitfalls of working with nontraditional research animals in order to explore and understand the evolution of animal diversity. Take a look at where they keep their "Mini zoo" of marine invertebrates and find out more about the ongoing research. The event is part of the series dedicated to cell type evolution, organised by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network EvoCELL and Museum für Naturkunde Berlin.

Event homepage with info on further dates and topics