Institute Day: Biomedicine meets Medicine
Institute of Medicine and the Department of Biomedicine gathered for joint institute day.

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Last half of Wednesday 23 February was dedicated to gathering both the Institute of Medicine and the Department of Biomedicine under the same roof. Auditorium 2 of BBB was packed, and staff members from the two departments' respective scientific as well as technical and administrative areas were well represented.
Per Lønning (Inst. of Med.) started off by lecturing on future paths in cancer research, while Jan Haavik (Dept. of Biomed.) continued by presenting the new KG Jebsen Research Center and the work carried out by his group there. After the two initial speeches, it was time for poster presentations in the mingling area of the laboratory building. The attendance was very good here as well, and discussions on research and collaboration opportunities were plentiful – both between internal research groups as well as across department lines.
Then, both technology platforms located in the BB-building were presented. First up was Frode Berven, representing the PROBE platform, while Endy Spriet followed suit in her display of the various possibilities for using the MIC platform in research. The institute day program concluded with tours of the technology platforms and lab areas – both in BBB and the laboratory building – for those with further interest in common utilization.