Science-Policy Interface
Our steering team is strongly rooted in the science-policy interface through policy advice and active engagement with the following organizations and initiatives:
Main content
Inger Måren holds the UNESCO chair for Sustainable heritage and environmental management and actively engages in the science-policy interface through:
- the Norwegian Science Committee for Food and Environment (Vitenskapskomiteen for mat og miljø)
- the National UNESCO Commission, Ministry of Education and Research
- the UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme Commission in Norway
Vigdis Vandvik is active in the science-policy interface, with particular focus on alien species. In Norway, through commissions for
- the Norwegian Science Committee for Food and Environment (Vitenskapskomiteen for mat og miljø)
- the Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre (Artsdatabanken).
Internationally, she is a lead Author in the IPBES regional assessment for Europe and Central Asia and the thematic assessment of invasive alien species.
Policy advice
Click the links to read the full text.
- Måren, I.E. 2020. Policy advice regarding the national action plan for the sustainability goals ("Innspill til nasjonal handlingsplan for bærekraftsmålene"). Addressed to the Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation, 01.11.2020.
- Måren, I.E. 2020. Policy advice regarding the United Nations Environment Assembly and a new global framework for nature under the Convention on Biological Diversity ("Innspill på FNs miljøforsamling og nytt globalt rammeverk for natur under konvensjonen om biologisk mangfold"). 05.10.2020.
- Vandvik, V. 2020. Policy advice regarding the new global framework for nature under the convention for biodiversity ("Innspill på nytt globalt rammeverk for naturen under konvensjonen for biologisk mangfold"). Addressed to the Ministry of Climate and Environment, 21.01.2020.