BSRS 2017: Global Challenges
Register now! Global challenges affect us all. Every summer the University of Bergen (UiB) hosts a cross-disciplinary research school exploring some of the most pressing challenges facing our world, Bergen Summer Research School (BSRS). Deadline for registration 1 March 2017.

Main content
This year the programme will include 6 disciplinary courses will next summer focus on migration, the role of higher education, global health, water management, poverty, and the impact language has on global challenges. The courses will be tied together by common sessions on research tools, writing and presentation skills, joint keynotes by high-profile researchers, plenary discussions, and an excursion into the Norwegian fjords.
One of the courses will be led by Centre for International Health Professor, Ingunn Marie S. Engebretsen. It will be a methodological multi-disciplinary course with a mental health in focus. Entitled, “Mental Health and Child Development in Societies of Change”, its primarily research perspective addresses: global health policies on mental health; health system integration strategies; mental health and culture (including bold exposures and risk factors such as forced migration); dealing with extreme burdens (such as war, crime, deprivation, undernutrition and abuse); alcohol and drugs; and child development. Learn more.
BSRS 2017 will be held from 12-22 June 2017. The application deadline is March 1, 2017. Learn more.