Centre for International Health
Semester Start autumn 2020

Autumn semester 2020 has started!

CIH’s Master in Global Health started 13 August. CIH staff worked hard to ensure that all new students received a welcome despite any COVID-19 complications.

Master in Global Health
Professor Thorikld Tylleskär and CIH Director Bente E. Moen kick-off autumn semester 2020 with the first course in CIH's Master in Global Health
Elinor Bartle

Main content

Including the 6 medical students, who join the course for a few weeks, 35 students have signed up for the Master’s programme. Of these, 26 come from a country other than Norway – 16 different countries are represented (although many of these students have been living and studying in Norway before coming now to Bergen).

screen shot Global Health
Elinor Bartle

In total, 24 students were present at the opening lectures including 6 students who attended online. The online students hope to join the course as soon as possible in person, but are currently delayed due to COVID-19 travel restrictions.

As the students introduced themselves, we learned that they come from varied backgrounds including pharmacy, nursing, medicine, social anthropology, dentistry, social work, and nutrition, to name a few. The variety is an asset to the course, as students thereby bring different perspectives and learn from one another. These include not only cultural perspectives from different countries, but also those from different academic disciplines.  


Some useful links:


Contact Linda Forshaw below if you have any questions.