Employee Pages

Online publishing

Information, user support, guides and guidelines for www.uib.no.

Main content

User support

Logging on to the publication system

NOTE! If you are working outside of the UiB network, you must log on to the UiB network using VPN.



Content on uib.no

The content on uib.no is adapted and updated by academic and administrative employees from the entire organisation. These are responsible for the content on www.uib.no being up to date and correct at all times.

Each UiB unit has at least one person who approves access rights that allow editing of www.uib.no content. Overview of local website contacts.

The uib.no front page and the uib.no/aktuelt service are managed by the Communication Division.

Information about programmes of study and courses are collected from the Joint Student System (JS).

Personal pages

Every employee has a personal page on uib.no.

The personal page contains personal data (name, position, affiliation and contact information), a picture, publication data gathered directly from CRIStin and key words that describe the person's fields of expertise and research and work methods.

You can find functionality descriptions and a user guide here

Name policy / url policy

The UiB name policy regulates the use of the University's official domain name, uib.no. The objective of the name policy is to have a unified and consistent use of the domain name and URL addresses on uib.no. Read more about UiB's name policy (only in Norwegian).

The Communication division is the highest authority in allocation cases. You must apply to create a new domain or website. Enter the application in hjelp.uib.no

Create website

Do you want to create a new website? We can help you get started! (Only in Norwegian)

System administrator

The Communication division is the system administrator for uib.no and the Director General of the division is the editor in charge of the website. The IT Department is responsible for operations. 

The system administration is subject to guidelines issued by the management group for the University's website.

Employee pages

The employee pages provide an overview of all employment-related issues: everything from welfare services, applications for leaves of absence and issues related to the work environment to operating and service functions such as parking and the campus bus schedule. The pages also include links to administrative services and tools that are useful in your workday, information about UiB as an institution, laws, regulations and updated notices about events, courses and other UiB-related matters.

The employee pages are UiB's official channel for information affecting its employees. 

For feedback or questions, contact the editorial team on ansattred@uib.no or on Issue tracker

Responsibilities and roles

The Communication division has the overarching editorial responsibility for the employee pages and updates to the front page.

Each unit in the central administration is responsible for its own content. This includes the production and updates of content pages, messages for the front page and calendar notices, including for the pages in English.