Students present their Master's Projects
Read about some of the ongoing and past master projects of geography students.
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Ongoing master's projects
Class of 2020
Robin Sebastian Rovdal
Virtual Spaces as a space of Safety;A phenomenologicalgeographicalstudy of World of Warcraft, the comforts of a virtual places and the playersthat inhabit it.
Supervisor: Odd Inge Steen
Class of 2021
Anna de Bode
Relative sea-level reconstruction during the Late Glacial on the southwestern coast of Norway
Supervisor: Kristian Vasskog
Co-supervisors: Konstanze Haubner and John-Inge Svendsen
Polyxeni Fragkiadaki
The effects of sea-level rise in coastal areas of Norway - GIS based approach for vulnerability assessment in coastal areas from sea level rise in the Norwegian coast
Supervisor: Gidske L. Andersen
Reazul Karim
Electric scooter, an urban micro-mobility sustainable transport? A Geographical Overview
Supervisor: Håvard Haarstad
Sushila Khatri
Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture by Indigenous Community of Taklung, Gorkha. Nepal
Supervisor: Peter Andersen
Ole Rød
Green growth vs. degrowth
Supervisor: Connor Joseph Cavanagh
Solvår Sæter
Bærekraftig boligutvikling i Bergen - en studie av Delegården
Supervisor: Håvard Haarstad
Class of 2022
Axel Bache-Wiig
Grønnstruktur i Bergen kommune
Supervisor: Gidske Leknæs Andersen
Co-supervisor: Knut Hidle
Emanuel Patrik Berchtold
Glacier and climate reconstruction during the Holocene with focus on the Little Ice Age in Bjellådalen, Svartisen, northern Norway
Supervisor: Svein Olaf Dahl
Co-supervisor: Kristian Vasskog
Thomas Berntzen
Hvordan har flernivåstyrt forvaltning effekt på byutvikling? En casestudie av byutviklingen i Ski, med kontekst i Follobanen
Supervisor: Knut Hidle
Christoffer Solberg Bjønness
Sirkulærøkonomi i oppdrettsindustrien i Norge
Supervisor: Grete Rusten
Vittorio Maria Brisigotti
Values in participation
Supervisor: Håvard Haarstad
Jack Crouch
Late Holocene glacier and climate fluctuations at Gåbrokbreen, Austre Svartisen, northern Norway
Supervisor: Svein Olaf Dahl
Andrews Dery
Potentials and Constraints of Solar PV Adoption among Small and medium scale enterprises in Ghana. A case for Green Investing.
Supervisor: Peter Andersen
Ingelinn Marifjæren Gundersen
Sirkulære anskaffelser
Supervisor: Grete Rusten
June Vatsø Haugum
Karsthydrologi i Glomdalen
Supervisor: Rannveig Øvrevik Skoglund
Co-spervisor: Christos Pennos
Elisabeth Kjærstad Husa
Coworking i norske distriktskommuner
Supervisor: Grete Rusten
Lina Jackute
Modern glacier and climate fluctuations reflected as geodetic mass balance, calculated using UAV imagery at Fannaråkbreen, Jotunheimen
Supervisor:: Svein-Olaf Dahl
Co-supervisor: Benjamin Aubrey Robson
Eirik Kilhavn
Plastic Pollution in Coastal Areas - How to use clean-up data for preventing plastic pollution at Norway’s shoreline
Supervisor: Gidske Leknæs Andersen
Co-supervisors: Marte Haave (NORCE) og Eivind Bastesen (NORCE)
Bernad Konadu
Supervisor: Ragnhild Overå
Gamuchiari Mukura
Remote sensing based Land degradation assessment to inform sustainable Development Goal 15.3: A case study in Ghana, West Africa.
Supervisor: Olena Dubovyk
Md Mehidi Murshad
Climate change risk on aquaculture sector in the coastal region of Bangladesh
Supervisor: Peter Andersen
Sondre Nerdrum
Industriell symbiose
Supervisor: Grete Rusten
Co-supervisor: Helge Lea Tvedt
Oddbjørn Johansen Rovde
Geohazards, The Storegga Tsunami; Vertical Extent of The Storegga Tsunami in Vetsfjorden, and possible tsunami sediments from a Tjærnadjupet event.
Supervisor: Kristian Vasskog
Pål Felix Nielsen Rudi
Urban SOC: en analyse av det bergenske potensialet
Supervisor: Gidske Leknæs Andersen
Co-supervisor: Peter Andersen
Simen Mercoll Sem
Spatial readings in contemporary ecological materialism
Supervisor: Connor Joseph Cavanagh
Thomas Farsund Sjursen
Reconstruction of Holocene glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) from Austerdalsisen, Austre Svartisen, northern Norway
Supervisor: Svein-Olaf DahlBiveileder: Rannveig Øvrevik Skoglund
Gustav Slåtsveen
Bygeografi: Sted i samskapning
Supervisor: Knut Bjarne Hidle
Haakon Berg Smith
En aktørstudie på Mindemyren - Spenninger mellom aktørene
Supervisor: Knut Hidle
Alvilde Tønnesen
Et samarbeidsstudie med Bærekraftige Liv
Supervisor: Håvard Haarstad
Bjørn Olsen Usland
Prioritering og planlegging for grøntareal i Bergen
Supervisor: Knut Bjarne Hidle
Co-supervisor: Gidske Leknæs Andersen
Frida Lotte Vetaas
Kartlegging og undersøkelse av Kristoffergrotten
Supervisor: Rannveig Øvrevik Skoglund
Co-supervisor: Christos Pennos
Ingvild Paulsen Vie
Marin arealplanlegging og taredyring på Færøyene
Supervisor: Ragnhild Overå
Ada Withbro Villum
Velferdsteknologi - et verktøy for å møte fremtidens eldre?
Supervisor: Grete Rusten
Daniel Olukayode Yomi-Meleki
Stakeholders' perception on carbon capture and storage in Norway
Supervisor: Håvard Haarstad
Class of 2023
Mireille Aasebø
The potential threat of Cotoneaster bullatus on fruit production in Hardanger
Supervisor: Ole Reidar Vetaas
Co-supervisor: Gidske L. Andersen
Beate Bednar
Rovdyr i Norge
Supervisor: Ole Reidar Vetaas
Co-supervisor: Gidske L. Andersen
Margrete Brattespe
Forvaltning av Hardangervidda
Supervisor: Knut Hidle
Marthe Emilie Fosse
Karst i Dunderlandsdalen: Strukturgeologi og karstformer
Supervisor: Rannveig Øvrevik Skoglund
Co-Supervisor: Terje Solbakk, NGU
Lauritz Skille Gran
Rekonstruksjon av relative havnivåendringer i Rødøy, Nordland
Supervisor: Kristian Vasskog
Cecilie Fjøsne Grankel
Different social consequences of two conservancies in Kenya
Supervisor: Connor Joseph Cavanagh
Sofie Sisselsdatter Hamre
Rekonstruksjon av Blåskavlen og paleoklima i Lofoten gjennom holosen
Veileder: Svein Olaf DahlBiveileder: Kristian Vasskog
Tibusiso Tandzile Mdluli
Exploring the nexus of land tenure insecurity, intersectionality andimplications on the quality-of-life conditions of women in peri-urban Manzini, Eswatini.
Supervisor: Ragnhild Overå
Oskar Myhr
Media Discourse Analysis on Disasters
Supervisor: Håvard Haarstad
Yvonne Alida Myrvang
Supervisor: Knut Hidle
Åse Heber Norum
Den norske fiskefôrindustrien
Supervisor: Ragnhild Overå
Sara Flatøy Paulsen
Strandforskyvningskurve i Rødøy
Supervisor: Kristian Vasskog
Mette Elisabeth Kruse Persson
Områdesatsing Slettebakken - Samskaping og kulturelt mangfold
Supervisor: Odd Inge Steen
Nora Julia Katalin Røed
Byliv og menneskelig skala - studie av Kong Oscars gate
Supervispor: Håvard Haarstad
Jana Sophia Schuckardt
Nitrogen mobilization and Nitrous oxide production in Adventdalen
Veileder: Rannveig Øvrevik Skoglund
Biveleder: Andrew Hodson
Maria Spangen
Økologiske endringer i verneområder i Norge
Supervisor: Gidske L. Andersen
Co-Supervisor: Ole Reidar Vetaas
Toni Lorenz Trybusch
GIS and Remote Sensing based analysis of Karst Depressions in Mo i Rana
Supervisor: Rannveig Øvrevik Skoglund
Co-Supervisor: Terje Solbakk, NGU
Helene Nesheim Viddal
Klesforsøpling i Ghana
Supervisor: Ragnhild Overå