Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care

News archive for Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care

The 9th Conference on Global Health and Vaccination Research will take place at Hotel Clarion in Oslo 17-18 March 2015.
Svanes is one of the most cited lung health researchers in Norway. She was recently awarded the Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) award for her longstanding effort in asthma and COPD research.
On November 12th, the Norwegian Commission on Priority Setting in Health Care, handed over their report to the Norwegian Minister of Health, Bent Høie. The Commission is lead by Professor Ole Frithjof Norheim of Global Health Priorities, University of Bergen.
The prestigious Kochon Prize was presented to Dr. Daniel Datiko, the Field Director for the project at the 45th Union World Conference on Lung Health.
There is an epistemological gap between theoretical and practical approaches to bioethics. A new article from Global Health Priorities researcher Kristine Bærøe aims at helping to bridge this gap.
The VIRTUES trial protocol has been published in BMC Neurology: Virtual reality training for upper extremity in subacute stroke (VIRTUES): study protocol for a randomized controlled multicenter trial.
Injuries are a growing problem worldwide, and almost 6 million people die each year as a result of injuries. This is over 30 percent more than the number of deaths caused by malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS combined.
PhD student Tove Ask presenterer en poster med tittelen: Supervisors' strategies in follow-up of employees with musculoskeletal pain. A focus group study
PhD student Tove Ask presents a poster titled: Supervisors' strategies in follow-up of employees with musculoskeletal pain. A focus group study
The period for UNs Millennium Development Goals is about to expire. What should be the focus of new goals? What has proved to be a success? In a new study published in Lancet an international group of researchers suggest specific targets in addition to the broader UN health goal.
Bente Gjelsvik defended her PhD thesis Friday 19. september 2014 at the University of Bergen. Title of the thesis:Trunk control in stroke. Aspects of measurement, relation to brain lesion and change after rehabilitation.
In an editorial in this week's Science Magazine, Richard Peto, Alan D. Lopez and Ole Frithjof Norheim write that "for many countries, halving their 2010 under-50 mortality rate by 2030 would be a feasible target; worldwide, it would avoid 10 million of the 20 million deaths projected for 2030".
In the end of August the Global Health Priorities researchers Eirin Krüger Skaftun and Ole Frithjof Norheim, together with Merima Ali from Chr. Michelsen Institute, published a new article in Plos One: “Understanding inequality in Child Health in Ethiopia: Health Achievements are Improving in the Period 2000-2011”. The study aims to give a better understanding of existing inequalities in child... Read more
A new article published in Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation (CERA) by Global Health Priorities researchers Frode Lindemark, Ole Frithjof Norheim and Kjell Arne Johansson illustrates how information from published health economic evaluations can be used to measure lifetime QALYs, absolute and proportional shortfall of QALYs for eight different example diseases. Resource allocation... Read more
Professor Meera Chhagan died Friday 29th August 2014 after an accident.
The need for organ donations can create ethical challenges for healthcare professionals.
Understanding these differences will enable Norwegian public health professions to better provide adequate family planning guidance.
PhD candidate Lillan Mo Andreassen have investigated drug therapy and glycemic control in nursing home patients with diabetes, and found very low blood glucose levels in several of them.
