Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care

News archive for Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care

CISMAC will continue as a Centre of Excellence for another 5 years!
The latest English language UiB Magazine is now published with input from IGS, CIH and CISMAC!
The Global Health Priorities Research Group was awarded research group of the year by the Faculty of Medicine at UiB.
2017 was a year filled with changes for CIH – but the Centre’s vision remains constant: CIH’s research and education in Global Health will contribute to improved health for the poorer populations of the world.
IGS holds an annual gathering for the whole Department on the second Wednesday in May. Led and organized by the Department’s Research Committee, the Day provides an opportunity for people from this large and diverse Department to meet and mingle.
Norways' Elderly-BOTT can learn from network infrastructures in the Netherlands and UK.
Stan Lemeshow, Professor of Biostatistics at the College of Public Health, The Ohio State University, Columbus in the US held a CISMAC-supported course in “Logistic Regression” in our partner institution, Innlandet Hospital Trust 12 - 16 March 2018.
In this year's annual report you can read about the large portfolio of CISMAC's research studies as well as other approaches to produce valuable research findings.
On 11 March 2018 a satellite meeting was held to explore opportunities and mechanisms to foster and strengthen linkages between CISMAC partner scientists. 18 participant from 9 partner institutions in India, Nepal, Pakistan, Uganda, Zambia and Norway participated.
CISMAC publishes its trial protocols, preferably in open access journals, enabling readers of our upcoming research papers to verify that plans and procedures are adhered to, that our findings are faithful to our research protocols.
Director of Global Health Priorities Ole Frithjof Norheim was interviewed about Universal Health Coverage by the Journal of Health Systems & Reform.
Read about our research, education and dissemination.
The research process can be arduous, but few projects are also beset by as many natural disasters as the Peanut butter - B12 study by CIH researcher, Tor Strand, and colleagues in Nepal.
Professors from CIH and colleagues presented a workshop addressing most of the indicators from Sustainable Development Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
CISMAC project in Zambia to be presented at the Christie Conference in Bergen
CISMAC-forskere intervjuet i Bergens Tidende om metode for å redde tidligfødte barn
