Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care

News archive for Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care

Three students from the Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care (IGS) have been the driving force behind one of the courses at the Bergen Summer Research School (BSRS) 2014.
An international group of respiratory health experts met at the Centre of International Health to share recent results and plan future research directions, 10-13 June.
The goal of universal health coverage is high on many global and national agendas – how can it be attained?
We have 1000 days to get it right for every child: from conception to toddlerhood.
The 3rd national interdisciplinary neck and back congress was held in Bergen, 2 -4. April 2014. Jan Sture Skouen, Tone Morken and Kjartan Vibe Fersum in the organizing committee report of a successful conference with ca. 300 participants.
The recent University of Oslo – Lancet Commission on politics and health inequity did not include discussions of the consequences of climate change.
According to PhD student, Reidun Karin Sandvik, and her fellow authors on a recently published paper, pain is frequently experienced and distressing to people with dementia.
The Centre for International Health (CIH) has published an annual report presenting information about its activities in 2013.
While in general, fewer Norwegians have suffered from cardiovascular disease, women with lower education levels show an increasing risk.
“Praxeological Nursing Science – what is it? A discussion with subjective and objective alternatives.”
Obstetrician Robert Byamugisha epitomises some of the challenges and rewards of being a part of CIH’s competency-building activities in international health.
… with good reason: hip fractures are associated with increased mortality.
Professor Ole Frithjof Norheim comments on the Lancet Commission’s Global Health 2035 Report, celebrating 20 years since WDR 1993.
Nine delegates from UiB participated in the 2014 annual WUN Conference, including two from CIH.
PhD candidate Sally el Tayeb gives a live interview for Knut Melvær’s podcast, Udannet.
How do relationships impact care and rehabilitation following a major burn injury?
Meeting the special needs of children who are the next-of-kin for parents with serious health problems is important both for health promotion and disease prevention.
NORHED, NORAD’s new programme, started in 2013. It aims to strengthen capacity in higher education in low-and middle-income countries.
