Master thesis at the Department of Government
Students who complete a higher degree program at the Department submit a longer thesis. Previously, one would take a main subject with an associated main thesis, now one takes a master’s degree and submits a master’s thesis. Here you will find an overview of graduates with a master’s degree from the Department and their master’s theses.

Main content
As part of the master’s program, a master’s thesis must be written and submitted. The master’s thesis is an independent research work. These theses include theoretical overviews and empirical work of interest to many who want to know something about specific fields.
The overview shows candidates who have submitted a Master’s Thesis in "administrasjon og organisasjonsvitskap" (AORG350), Master’s Thesis in Public Administration (AORG351), Master’s Thesis in "politikk og forvaltning" (GOV350), and Master’s Thesis in Politics and Governance of Global Challenges (GOV380).
Spring 2025 is the first semester that a master’s thesis in GOV380, which is weighted at 30 ECTS, will be submitted
The theses can be found online in BORA - Bergen Open Research Archive