Eye examination and computer glasses
Information about eye examination, computer glasses and safety googles with vision correction.

Main content
If employees experience vision problems, contact the line manager to arrange the workplace. In some cases, there may also be a need for computer glasses or safety glasses with strength, this is covered by the individual unit and clarified with the line manager.
Facilitating the computer workplace
Work in front of the computer screen puts great demands on the eyes because of the short distance and small field of view. Eye vision problems or eye interruptions may come from different causes, but the first thing that must be considered is how to facilitate the workplace regarding lighting and ergonomic design. See the following links:
Eye examination, computerglasses and safety googles with vision correction
If the eye vision problem persists after facilitating the computer workplace, the employee should get an eye examination so that an optician can consider whether the employee needs computer glasses or not. For some employees, safety googles with vision correction might be necessary.
The employee must follow "Guidelines for eye examination and acquisition of computer glasses", fill out the form "Eye examination and computer glasses" and use an optician with a purchase agreement with UiB in order to to get costs refunded. The same optician must be used for safety googles with vision correction. There might be some processingtime before the costs is refunded.
Opticians with purchase agreement with UiB
When an employee needs en eye examination and computer glasses, an optician with a purchase agreement with UiB must be used in order to get costs refunded.
Specsavers has from 01.03.20 the purchase agreement with UiB.
Rules and regulations
- Regulations relating to organization, management and participation (NO)
- Regulations relating to the work place (NO)
- Regulations governing the performance of work (NO)
- The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority: Directive on work Veiledning om arbeid ved dataskjerm kap. 8 (NO)
- The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority: Fact sheet on work in front of a computer screen (NO)