Roles in HSE work
HSE – a joint task, with various roles.
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Manager: HSE is a managerial responsibility at all levels and is an integrated part of all management. Managers may delegate HSE tasks to others, such as project managers, HSE coordinators, radiological protection coordinators, environmental contacts, etc.
Employees and students have a responsibility to actively participate in their working environment.
Safety delegates fulfil a supervisory function, represents employees in workings environments matters and are the management's partners.
The Occupational Health Service assists managers and emoloyees in creating healthy and safe working environment conditions and has a independent role in matters relating on working environment issues.
The HSE Section, Division of Human Resources, Estate and Facilities Division and The University Director’s Office are specialist units in the University of Bergen’s HSE work.
The Working Environment Committee consists of representatives of the employer, the employees and the health and safety personnel and shall work to ensure that the working environment at the University of Bergen is fully satisfactory.