The HSE-gateway

HSE at Fieldwork, Research cruises and Group trips

Fieldwork, research cruises and group trips shall be conducted in accordance with HSE principles.

Bildet viser ansatte og studenter gående langs en fjellvei med tursekker.
Jonathan Soulé/bioCEED

Main content

UiB's Guidelines for health, safety and environment at fieldwork, research cruises and group trips apply to employees and students at UiB. The guidelines describe scope, responsibilities, and tasks in connection with HSE at field work, research cruises and group trips, both in terms of preparation, execution and follow-up work.

Separate guidelines (NO) will apply to UiB students on exchange programmes abroad.*

Field work, research cruises and group trips must be registered digitally in CIM - UiB's support system for risk, safety and emergency preparedness before departure. This provides an overview of planned and ongoing trips, Academic leader/Tour leader, updated participant lists with contact and relative information, and enables communication with those who are traveling when needed. The trips will be available both at the unit and at faculty/university level. At each unit there is a Travel administrator which is the support function in CIM.

Risk assessment and emergency preparedness

Fieldwork, research cruises and group trips can involve an increased risk of human injury and/or environmental damage.

Potential risk factors during fieldwork and cruises must therefore be mapped and risk assessed before departure. The same is recommended for other group trips. Once the risk conditions have been mapped and assessed, measures must be implemented to reduce the risk conditions.

Local emergency response plan and notification procedures must be prepared prior to departure.

The individual participant

All travel must be pre-approved by the line manager and must, as far as practicable possible, be booked through UiBs travel agency supplier.


  • Should participate in risk mapping and assessment
  • Shall register information about next of kin and contact information prior to travel.
  • Shall respond to digital information they receive in connection with travel
  • Shall follow the safety routines and local adjustments required to carry out the fieldwork/research cruise/group trip in accordance with sound HSE principles.
  • Have an independent responsibility to assess the safety of the activity, make necessary adjustments and, if necessary, to stop the activity for safety reasons.
  • Has an obligation to inform the Academic leader or the Tour leader of health-related and other factors that may have significance for safety in connection with the fieldwork/research cruise/group trip.
  • Shall, in the event of an emergency situation, notify according to the local emergency plan.


Mobility stay abroad

HSE cooperation and coordination agreements

Where employees with different employers or students from different educational institutions participate in joint fieldwork / research cruises / group trips, it must be decided in advance which employer/institution is responsible for coordination (principal undertaking) with responsibility for coordinating HSE work for joint fieldwork / research cruises / group trips.

For locally concluded HSE coordination agreements, contact the faculty / department.

Travel Administrator

The Travel Administrator has been appointed administrative support function in CIM for the Line Manager / Academic leader / Tour leader, and is responsible for registration and follow-up of fieldwork, cruises and group travel in CIM.

* Applies to category 1C Exchange students to contract university and 1D. Free-movers with pre-approval from UiB