Musculoskeletal and Paediatric Imaging

Main content
The Musculoskeletal Imaging Research Group contributes to various research topics within the field of musculoskeletal (MSK) radiology. The main focus is MRI of the back, aiming to improve the diagnostics and treatment of patients with chronic back pain. The research group is responsible for the diagnostic imaging in several national multicenter studies.
Musculoskeletal Imaging Reserach Group
The Musculoskeletal Imaging Research Group is responsible for the diagnostic imaging in several national multicenter studies focusing on the back (AIM, Back to basic, FORMI), as well as being a contributor to several terminated, ongoing or planned studies (such as The Primary bone edema study, NORDSTEN, Lifehab and the biopsy-study). The research group is also involved in ongoing studies on ankle injuries led by local orthopedic surgeons at Haukeland University Hospital and at the Emergency Department in Bergen (Skadepoliklinikken). The group has previously contributed to large, national clinical studies, including a study assessing the value of intervertebral disc prosthesis in patients with back pain, which led to the completion of a PhD supervised by Prof. Espeland. In addition, members of the group continiously contribute to the radiological aspect of several clinical research projects.
The Musculoskeletal Imaging Research Group is lead by Prof. Ansgar Espeland and Associate Prof. Nils Vetti. Prof. Espeland serves as main supervisor for two PhD candidates at the University of Bergen, as well as co-supervisor for one PhD candidate at the University of Oslo. A total of five senior radiologists affiliated to the MSK radiology department participate actively in ongoing research projects. Research focusing on the back is mainly funded by Helse Vest.
Network and Collaboration
Coming soon.
The imaging of children of all ages differ from adult imaging, both in terms of choice of method and procedure. Also, the characteristics of growing organs change over time, as seen across all modalities, including x-rays, ultrasound, computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Paediatric Imaging Research Group
Within the MSK field, the Paediatric Imaging Research Group is the driver for multidisciplinary research on developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). These research efforts aim to further the understanding of the aetiology, genetic and other risk factors, to improve detection, diagnostics, treatment and management from birth through childhood and young adulthood, and to better understand the associations with later osteoarthritis in the adult hip joint. In addition, research efforts over the past two decades from the Paediatric Imaging Research Group cover diagnostic imaging on the central nervous system, on the respiratory system and on Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA).
The research within the paediatric imaging field is led by Prof. Stein Magnus Aukland and Associate Prof. Lene Bjerke Laborie. Prof. Aukland serves as co-supervisor for two PhD candidates within the field of paediatric neurology, and is involved in research and teaching related to imaging aspects of child abuse. Associate prof. Lene Bjerke Laborie is responsible for the research conducted on hip dysplasia (DDH), co-leading the multidisciplinary HIPS (Hip Imaging, Pathology and Surgery) Research Group, consisting of paediatric radiologists from Bergen and Tromsø, a paediatric orthopaedic surgeon and an orthopaedic surgeon, from Bergen and Førde, respectively. Laborie serves as main supervisor for a PhD candidate affiliated with and funded by the Arctic University in Tromsø (UiT). Most of the research centered around DDH has received funding from Helse Vest.
Network and Collaboration
The HIPS research group collaborates on a national level, both with paediatric surgeons and radiologists, as well as with the national registry for childhood hip disorders (Barnehofteregistet). For the genetical research on DDH, collaboriations with MoBa (the national mother-child-study) and with HUNT (Health Study of North Trondelag) have been established, and a collaboration with the UK Biobank for genetic replication studies and metaanalyses is planned. Laborie also serves as a member of the MSK (musculoskeletal) and AI (artificial intelligence) task forces of the European Society of Paediatric Radiology (ESPR).