Historicizing the ageing self: Literature, medicine, psychology, law

Agathe Novak-Lechevalier on Houellebecq

Agathe Novak-Lechevalier, leading French specialist in Houellebecq's works, will give guest lectures at Litteraturhuset i Bergen and at UiB.

Michel Houellebecq
Stefán Bianka

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The Ageing project invites you to two guest lectures on Houellebecq by Agathe Novak-Lechevalier (Université Paris Nanterre).

April 11 at Litteraturhuset i Bergen:

«I am old and very contemporary» : Modernity and old age in the works of Michel Houellebecq

In this lecture, Novak-Lechevalier will discuss how the misery that characterizes many of Houellebecq's characters is closely related to the very negative perspective on ageing in his literary univers. The lecture will be followed by a conversation lead by PhD-student Solveig Helene Lygren.

April 12 at the University of Bergen:

"Houellebecq – pessimiste ou consolateur ?"

The lecture will be in French and is open to everyone.