Geodynamics and Basin Studies

News archive for Geodynamics and Basin Studies

The first week in June UIB GEO has been hosting the Summer School for the Marie Curie Innovative Training Project "S2S Future: Signal Propagation from Source to Sink for the Future of Earth Resources and Energy". 13 PhD candidates have come from universities in France, Germany, UK, Netherlands, Norway, Spain and Switzerland to learn and work together in western Norway.
Forskere ved Universitetet i Bergen og Universitetet i Tromsø har sammenstilt geologiske data knyttet til den siste deglasiasjonen av det Eurasiske isdekket med særlig fokus på sokkelområdene.
Researchers from the Department of Earth Science of the University of Bergen explain in a paper published in Nature Communications how exhumed mantle domes form at magma-poor continental margins and at ultra-slow mid-oceanic spreading systems controlled by frictional shear zones.
The new centre is led by NORCE with UiB as a major partner, together with a range of international institutions, industry and technology providers.  Within UiB, GEO, Maths and Physics and Technology are the main departments involved in the centre.
Members representing all groups (staff and students) to the Department Board are to be elected for the period of - group B and D 1.8.2021-31.7.2022, group A and C 1.8.21-31.7.2025 . We hereby ask for nominations - deadline 23. March 2021.
This summer a joint team of structural geologists and sedimentologists from UiB and UiT The Arctic University of Norway journeyed across the North Atlantic to visit Wollaston Forland in the northern part of East Greenland. The reason? To investigate an exhumed rift basin, and detail its basin-bounding border fault system, the associated deep-marine basin fill strata, and the diagenetic history of... Read more
GEO had a strong showing at the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Annual Convention and Exhibition held in Salt Lake City, 20-23 May.
Some notes from the Utah course GEOV352
