Global mental health

WHO Special Initiative for Mental Health – the case of Nepal

The Norwegian Global Mental Health Research group and Norwegian Global Mental Health Network are pleased to invite you a webinar on The Special Initiative for Mental Health – the case of Nepal.


Main content

The crucial role of mental health for global development is now reflected in numerous initiatives and partnerships. Mental health is included in humanitarian assistance, in the Sustainable Development Goals and in efforts to combat non-communicable diseases. 

The WHO Special Initiative for Mental Health (https://www.who.int/initiatives/who-special-initiative-for-mental-health)  was launched by WHO in 2019. The goal was that 100 million more people have access to quality and affordable mental health care by 2023. The Initiative is to be implemented in 12 countries, with Bangladesh, Jordan, Paraguay, the Philippines, Ukraine and Zimbabwe being the initial six countries. Nepal is the most recent partner country in the initiative.

We would like to learn more about how the special initiative is going, and are honoured to have two distinguished speakers from WHO with us: Alison Schafer and Kedar Marahatta.

Alison Schafer is Technical officer and programme manager for WHO Special Initiative for Mental Health, Department of Mental Health and Substance Use, World Health Organization, HQ.

Kedar Marahatta is  National Professional Officer, Mental Health, Disability and Injury prevention at World Health Organization, Country Office for Nepal.

Ragnhild Dybdahl from the network and research group will chair the webinar. She is associate professor of global mental health, University of Bergen.

Marianne Monclair, senior advisor at the Department for health, education and human rights, Section for global health, Norad will also be present.  


WHO Special Initiative for Mental Health – the case of Nepal
Date:  15 June, 9:00-10:30
Venue: Zoom (Please register to receive Zoom link)
Organisers: GMH Research group and GMH Network, Norway

Chair: Ragnhild Dybdahl

9:00 Ragnhild Dybdahl: Welcome and introduction
9:10-9:30 Alison Schafer, WHO:  What makes the special initiative different, and what is its latest status update? 
9:30-9:50 Marahatta Kedar, WHO: Special Initiative for mental health - The case of Nepal.
9:50 -10:10 Q & A and Discussion: Is this initiative a window of opportunity? What are the roles and potential of Civil Society and university partners?
10:10- 10:25 Discussion: How can civil society, private sector and goverment partners work together with government for better mental health? What are challenges and opportunities in Nepal
10:25-10:30 Ragnhild Dybdahl: Summary and way forward