Register study of Working hour, Health and Sickness absence (RWHS)

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The Register study of Working hour, Health and Sickness absence (RWHS) is a study using objective data on shift work exposure and sickness absence from the employer’s register, in order to gain more knowledge about the association between shift work, health and sickness absence. Further, the study seeks to identify personal characteristics that are relevant for shift work tolerance. Objective data on shift work exposure and sickness absence will therefore be linked to questionnaire data measuring individual preferences and personality traits relevant for shift work tolerance.
The study is part of a Nordic collaboration where the aim is to describe and compare the common working hour arrangements of nurses in Nordic countries for consideration of potential health impact (WINC). The network also aim to develop a common working hour terminology and codification for future studies of objective working hours and health.
Short rest between shift intervals increases the risk of sick leave: a prospective registry study. Øystein Vedaa, Ståle Pallesen, Siri Waage, Bjørn Bjorvatn, Børge Sivertsen, Eilin Erevik, Erling Svensen, Anette Harris. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2017; 74: 496-501. Doi: 10.1136/oemed-2016-103920
Long working hours are inversely related to sick leave in the following 3 months: a 4-year registry study. Øystein Vedaa, Ståle Pallesen, Eilin Erevik, Erling Svensen, Siri Waage, Bjørn Bjorvatn, Børge Sivertsen, Anette Harris. International Archieves of Occupational and Environemntal Health, 2018.