UiB Sustainability
Climate Fund

Green Master

Students at all UiB faculties doing a masters degree with a focus on climate, environment or sustainability can apply for a scholarship through the UiB climate fund.

Illustrasjonsbilde av studenter på campus.
All students at UIB doing a masters degree with a focus on climate, environment or sustainability can apply for a scholarship through the UiB climate fund.
Eivind Senneset for UiB

Main content

The deadline for this semester is March 15th.  

Link to the application form

In addition to our goal of reducing the university’s own emissions, the University of Bergen supports sustainability as part of the education programs it provides to its students.

The climate plan steering group at UiB has therefore introduced the “Green Master” scholarship to incentivize students to write master dissertations focusing on sustainability, climate and environment. Master dissertations within any discipline at UiB is eligible to receive funding from Green Master.

Students at UiB can each apply for 10 000 NOK.

There are two application rounds each year, and the application deadline is the same as the general deadline for applications to the UiB climate fund.


  • The master dissertation’s main focus area must be on climate, environment, or sustainability.
  • The  dissertation must be relevant to at least one of the UN’s seventeen sustainability goals, and sustainability goals relevant to climate and environmental issues (6, 13, 14 and 15) will be prioritized. Which sustainability goals your dissertation is relevant to and how it is relevant to said goals must be stated in your application.
  • The application must contain a complete and approved outline of your dissertation, including the name of your supervisor at UiB.
  • The completed dissertation must, similar to the outline, fulfil the above requirements, and it must be sent to the UiB climate fund upon the completion and submission of the dissertation.
  • The master program must be completed at the University of Bergen.