University of Bergen Library

Signing in to Oria

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Get a library account 

You need a user account in our library system to sign in to Oria. Students and employees at UiB are imported automatically. External users should contact one of our libraries to be registered manually.

Why sign in? 

You need to sign in to order books, save search history and result lists, and manage your loans and requests in [My Account].

You do not need to sign in to your Oria account to access electronic resources. Read more about access to electronic resources outside UiB campus.

How to sign in? 

Students and employees from the University of Bergen 

  • Go to Oria and click [Sign in] in the top menu. 

  • Choose Sign in with: Feide (For students and employees at UiB). 

  • You will be asked to choose affiliation when you sign in from a new browser. Select University of Bergen and click [Continue].
  • Provide your UiB username and password and click on [Log in].
  • If you need help finding your username, contact your library.

Helse Bergen employees

  • Go to Oria and click [Sign in] in the top menu.  

  • Choose Sign in with: Username and password (For Helse Bergen and external users).

  • Enter your username and password and click [Sign in]. Your username (eg. ubb00XXXXX) has been emailed to you, or you can find it on your library card.

  • If you have forgotten your password, you can order a new password here

  • If you need help finding your username, contact your library.

For more information on access, signing in and requesting articles/books for Helse Bergen employees, see Access to books and articles at the Medical Library web page. 

External users 

  • Go to Oria and click [Sign in] in the top menu. 

  • Choose Sign in with: Username and password (For Helse Bergen and external users). 

  • Enter your username and password and click [Sign in]. Your username can be found on your library card. 

  • If you have forgotten your password, you can order a new password here.  

  • If you need help finding your username, contact your library.

  • If you are affiliated with another institution, and your Feide-ID is registered with us, you can choose Sign in with Feide instead if you like.

One time sign in via email

This is an extra sign in option that can be used by all users. If you have trouble using the other options, and don't have the time or opportunity to solve it there and then, but still want to sign in, this is an alternative.

  • Go to Oria and click [Sign in] in the top menu. 

  • Choose Sign in with: Email (A login link is sent to your registered email address (valid for 1 hour)). 

  • Enter your registered email address and click [Send].

  • Open the email you received and click the link provided.

Need help? 

If you have followed the steps above but still can't sign in to Oria: 

  • Make sure that you are at the correct Oria URL https://uib.oria.no/

  • Delete your browser history or try another browser.

If it still doesn't work, please contact your library, and we will help you out.