The University Gardens
Themed displays

7. The bog garden

Low ericaceous shrubs growing on poorly drained peat

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It is common knowledge that ericaceous plants thrive in wet and acid conditions. Many do grow in a wet climate with evenly distributed rainfall throughout the year, but most do not like to stand in water. Nevertheless, exceptions are also found to this general rule.

An area of marshy soil and without special drainage may be home to various species of Kalmia, Andromeda, and Zenobia. In this section we also have Chamaedaphne calyculata. It has been considered as a classical example of a “continental” species, limited in its spread towards the west by climate. Nevertheless, it has not only survived, but flourished and set seeds here!

The ‘bog garden’ is located east along the steps down towards the Blondehuset.

Back to the heather garden.