Per Magnus Jørgensen
Per Magnus Jørgensen (1944-) is Professor Emeritus of Systematic Botany at UiB.

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Per Magnus Jørgensen (1944-) is Professor Emeritus of Systematic Botany at UiB; he still publishes prolifically on a range of subjects and keeps an eye on the rhododendron collections in the Arboretum.
He was educated at the Botanical Institute, UiB, and after obtaining the Candidatus realium degree (equivalent to a doctorate) in 1969 he went to Uppsala and specialized in lichens, defending the work in 1978. He returned as Assistant Professor at the Muséhagen in 1973 and became Professor at the Botanical Institute in 1980. After Per Wendelbo's death in 1981 he took on an additional role (“professor II”) at the Arboretum and worked primarily with rhododendrons and the construction of the new botanical garden. He was editor of the scientific journal 'Naturen' (1991-1997) and has also been active in the international nomenclature committee. After suffering a stroke, he has increasingly concentrated on the history of the discipline, especially on Linnaeus and his students. He was a member of the board of directors of the Linnean Society of London. He has published several hundred works, including a number of books:
- Jørgensen, P.M. 1978 The lichen family Pannariaceae in Europe. Opera Botanica 45: 1-123.
- Jørgensen, P.M. 1996 Rhododendron i Det norske Arboret. Fagbokforlaget,264 s.
- Jørgensen, P.M. 1999 Martin Vahl-250års minnet. Bergens Museums Skrifter 7: 1-62.
- Jørgensen, P.M. 2007 Botanikkens historie i Norge. Fagbokforlaget, 396s.
- Jørgensen, P.M., Weidemann, E., & Fremstad, E. 2016. Flora Norvegica av J.E. Gunnerus, på norsk og kommentert. Gunneria, 80: 1–505.