The University Gardens
Guided tour

Lunch tour in the Museum garden

Welcome to a tour in the Museum Garden (in Norwegian)!

Området rundt dammene i høstfarger
Autumnal colours in the Museum Garden.
Siri Skretting Jansen

Main content

On the first Tuesday of every month, from April to October, you can take part in a lunchtime walk in the Muséhagen together with a gardener or botanist from the garden. It starts at 11.30 and is based on current themes from the garden's various exhibitions. It is held in Norwegian.

Enjoy the garden and join one of our experts on a tour. Discover hidden treasures, see the highlights of the season and learn a little about the thinking behind the different exhibitions. We meet at Gartnerboligen and take a walk around to look at what's nice in the garden right now.