Nordic Proteomics Conference
The Proteomics Unit of the University of Bergen, PROBE, and the Norwegian Proteomics Society organize this edition of the Nordic Proteomics Conference NPC 2018

Main content
Welcome to the Nordic Proteomics Conference, NPC 2018, located in the beautiful city of Bergen. The conference provides workshops giving excellent educational opportunities, followed by a strong scientific program by top lectures. The latest research, technology, and methodology will be presented to given overview of the newest and most exciting Nordic research in the field of proteomics. This is a great opportunity for interactions within the Nordic proteomics societies and initiations of new collaborations.
Scientific Program
Workshops - Select between "Introduction to proteomics data analysis" and "Introduction to the MaxQuant and Perseus software platforms".
Presentations - Subjects like PTMs, clinical/disease-based proteomics, quantitative proteomics, protein mapping, proteomics research in the Nordic countries.
Confirmed Speakers
Jürgen Cox
Gyorgy Marc-Varga
Sophia Hober
Jesper Olsen
Ole Nørregaard Jensen
Maciej Lalowski
Sven Kjellström