Center for Digital Narrative
Center for Digital Narrative

CDN Management and Partners

International research leaders in Digital Narrative working together as a team.

Senterledelse CDN
PI's of CDN, from left to right: Jason Nelson, Nick Montfort, Kristine Jørgensen, Scott Rettberg, Jill Walker Rettberg, and Joseph Tabbi.
Eivind Senneset, UiB

Main content

Center Management

Director and Co-Director

Scott Rettberg

Jill Walker Rettberg

CDN will advance the state of the art in the different research fields it addresses by developing an integrative and interdisciplinary theoretical and practice-based approach to digital narrative.

Research is organised in six nodes: Electronic Literature (Joseph Tabbi), Social Media and Network Narratives (Jill Walker Rettberg), Computer Games and Interactive Digital Narrative (Kristine Jørgensen), Computational Narrative Systems (Nick Montfort), Extending Digital Narrative (Scott Rettberg) and Artistic Integrated Research (Jason Nelson). Algorithmic Folklore (Gabriele de Seta) is a project under CDN.

The PIs are all international research leaders in their fields. These nodes will not be treated as separate projects, but will feed, build upon and inform each other as the nodes provide different angles to the same research concerns and trends in digital narrative. They will apply shared research methods and develop joint research projects and innovative experiments together.

CDN will employ Professor IIs, post-doctoral researchers, and PhDs distributed evenly across the nodes both to expand its range of expertise and to provide early career researcher training.


Administrative Project Leader Ola Roth Johnsen

Communications Advisor Andreas Hadsel Opsvik

Head of Technology Colin Robinson


Center Nodes and Partners

Electronic Literature

Principal Investigator

Joseph Tabbi, Director and founding member  for the Consortium on Electronic Literature, the recipient of a 2018 Mellon Grant. Presently, five editorial and research Fellowships are funded in part by the Electronic Literature Organization for Managing Editor Dani Spinosa (York University), Communications Editor Lai-Tze Fan (University of Waterloo, Canada), and three others.Previously, a National Endowment for the Humanities grant (2014) enabled member literary databases worldwide to build a search engine for interoperability. An earlier (2010) startup grant from the NEH, for the development of the Electronic Literature Directory, provided a model for later databases that are now a part of the Consortium.

Professor II

Lai-Tze Fan, Assistant Professor of Technology and Social Change at U Waterloo, Canada. She researches digital storytelling, systemic inequalities in technological design and labour, media theory, and critical making. Fan is an Editor and the Director of Communications of electronic book review and an Editor of the digital review.

Computational Narrative Systems

Principal Investigator

Nick Montfort, founder and directorof The Trope Tank, a lab for new poetic practices and new understandings of digital media by focusing on the material, formal, and historical aspects of computation and language, 2007–present. Founder and editor of the first series of computer-generated literary books, Using Electricity. Organizer of the first Critical Code Studies book project, a collaboration with 9 other co-authors. Co-founder of the Platform Studies field and co-editor of the corresponding book series. Author of the first book on a specific genre or form of electronic literature, interactive fiction. Active in professional and artistic service, having served as president of the Electronic Literature Organization and founder and organizer of the Synchrony festival.

Professor II

Rafael Pérez y Pérez, full Professor at Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana at Cuajimalpa, México City. He specializes in creative computer models for narrative generation, developed the system MEXICA and has led the Association for Computational Creativity. His works include MEXICA: 20 Years – 20 Stories, Creatividad Computacional and diverse papers on artificial intelligence and computational creativity.

Computer Games and Interactive Digital Narrative

Principal Investigator

Kristine Jørgensen, she participates in several research projects as Game Production Studies Initiative (co-director, funded by NOS-HS. Main partners: University of Tampere, University of Bergen, Umeå University 2018-); Games and Transgressive Aesthetics (PI, funded by Research Council of Norway. Main partners: University of Bergen, IT, University of Copenhagen, Kristiania University College 2015-2019); WARGAME (active partner. Main partners: University of Tromsø, University of Bergen, Charles University Prague, London South Bank University, 2013-).

Professor II

Dr. Doris C. Rusch, professor of game design with a special focus on Transformative Play at Uppsala University, Department of Game Design. She is the author of “Making Deep Games” and numerous journal papers and book chapters as well as designer of award-winning games about the human experience.

Social Media and Vernacular Narratives

Principal Investigator

Jill Walker Rettberg, PI of the prestigious ERC-funded project Machine Vision in Everyday Life: Playful Interactions with Visual Technologies in Digital Art, Games, Narratives and Social Media, and was Co-PI on INDVIL, an RCN-funded project on data visualization. She is highly cited for her work on social media narratives and algorithmic culture.

Professor II

Lin Prøitz, professor of communication and digital media at Østfold University College, Norway. Her research has explored young people’s social engagement in photographies, sexual-romantic negotiations in mobile communication, fantasies of happiness played out on social media, as well as how ‘digital capitalism’ and new technologies affect how we understand and perform labour. Since 2011, Prøitz has collaborated with artists and curators thematising public intimacies, see e.g. the iBook-publication Selvbilde: fra selvportrett til #selfie. Her work is grounded in feminist and media science. Prøitz is originally educated as a photographer.

Extending Digital Narrative

Principal Investigator

Scott Rettberg, founder of the Electronic Literature Organization and Project Leader of the six-nation HERA-funded Collaborative Research Project Electronic Literature as a Model of Creativity and Innovation in Practice and has been awarded the top prizes in the field for both criticism of electronic literature and creative work.

Professor II

Caitlin Fisher, holds a Canada Research Chair in Digital Culture in the Department of Film at York University, Toronto. A co-founder of York's Future Cinema Lab, her research investigates the future of narrative through explorations of interactive storytelling and interactive cinema in Augmented Reality environments.

Artistic Integrated Research

Principal Investigator

Jason Nelson, board Member of the Electronic Literature Organization. Founder and Editor of NetPoetic.com, a Digital Writing Portal. Founder and Contributing Editor of HyperRhiz New Media Cultures. Fulbright Fellow at the University of Bergen and Moore Fellow at the National University of Ireland. His creative research has won 12 awards and prizes, including the Woollahra Digital Writing Award, Queensland Literary Awards-Digital Writing, People’s Choice- New Media Writing Prize, Media Poetry Prize-Biennale Internationale des poètes en Val de Marne and a Webby award.

Algorithmic Folklore

Principal Investigator

Gabriele de Seta holds a PhD from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica in Taipei. Gabriele is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher with the ERC-funded project “Machine Vision in Everyday Life”, and was awarded the 2021 Prize for Young Researchers from the Faculty of Humanities. His research work, grounded on ethnographic engagement across multiple sites, focuses on digital media practices, sociotechnical entanglements and vernacular creativity in the Chinese-speaking world. He is also interested in experimental music, new media art, and collaborative intersections between research and creative practice.


We will be working in collaboration with: The Immersive Storytelling Lab (ISL) at York University, and with researchers at world-leading institutions such as UC Berkeley, MIT, Uppsala University, and other groups that have outstanding research records at the intersection of advanced technology and storytelling. These partnerships will strengthen CDN in a number of ways: in giving CDN access to technological infrastructure and expertise not available in Norway such as advanced visualization facilities, in expanding our research team through collaborative research projects and guest researcher stays, and in expanding our international research dissemination and impact.