Important dates

Main content
Second semester
Submission of Master Agreement
Due end of January
The Agreement for Master’s Degree Programs (contract) must be completed and signed by all parties involved by the end of January. Unfortunately the webpage is in Norwegian, but you will find the agreement in English at the bottom of the page.
Submission of Research proposal
Deadline 20 May - if this date falls on a week-end, the following Monday
Assignment folder on Mitt UiB, course code INTH330B
Evaluation of the proposal will be done by the supervisors. Schedule regular meetings with supervisors! Here is the form they must complete this within the same deadline: Guide & Checklist for evaluation of the research proposals by the supervisor/s 2024 (
Fouth semester
Submission of Application to sit for the Master examination
Deadline 2 May
Submission of Master thesis:
Deadline 15 May - if this date falls on a week-end, the following Monday
Submit on (log on and follow the instructions)
Thesis guidelines and template
30 ECTS credit Thesis
60 ECTS credit Thesis
Confidential statements
We request that both students and supervisors fill in a confidential statement (see below) about how independent the student has been in relation to the master thesis. The statements will be shared with the examiners.
- Student's confidential statement (upload together with the Master thesis on Studentweb)
- Supervisor's confidential statement (must be sent to
Guidelines for examiners
You can read about what the examiners for your Master Exam will focus on when assessing your Master Thesis and during the oral examination here.
Deferred submission of Master thesis
If you are unable to submit your Master thesis within the deadline 15 May, you can apply for an extension.
The following can be a basis for an extended submission deadline:
- Illness of the student: In the case of documented illness, the submission deadline can be extended corresponding to the illness period.
- Illness of the supervisor
- Breach of contract from supervisor
- Documented delay due to error/delayed shipment of material, failure of equipment or lack of informants/data basis.
- Personal conflict between student/supervisor
- Other special reasons may also provide a basis for a delayed submission deadline.
The application must contain:
- How long you apply for deferment and when you want to submit.
- The reason for the postponement
- Whether the supervisor(s) have been informed and have approved the postponement.
Please use this application form.
Applications will be processed by the Programme Committee. Deadline for applying is as soon as the need is known, and no later than one month before the submission deadline for the Master thesis (15 May).
Find instructions for ordering your Diploma here, when you have completed your degree.