Moss fossils on Svalbard
Ice-free conditions on Spitsbergen during the Last Glacial Maximum
During the coldest years of the last ice-age the ice cap reached the British Isles and Polen. New research has revealed that an ice-free green spot existed further north - on a penisula close to Spitsbergen.

The field vessel (Arctica II), docked near the study site .
Willem van der Bilt
Main content
This article is only in Norwegian. More pictures in original article by Ellen Viste at Bjerknes senters nettsider . The article is based on:
van der Bilt, Willem G. M. & Lane, C. S. (2019): Lake sediments with Azorean tephra reveal ice-free conditions on coastal northwest Spitsbergen during the Last Glacial Maximum. Science Advances, 2019