Department of Earth Science
Master's projects GEO

Examples of Master's projects at GEO

Here you will find examples master’s projects for those starting the master’s program in earth science at UiB. You can also visit the website of each of our research groups to see past and ongoing projects (links below). Many of the previous projects still have highly relevant research topics and supervisors might be able to create a similar project for you.

Main content

The Master's programme in Earth Sciences has been divided into five research topics: climateenvironmentresourcesenergy og geohazards. All our master’s projects fall under one or more of these themes, and many of our research groups collaborate across these themes. Therefore, you will experience a large, interdisciplinary community as a student at GEO.Depending on which project and supervisor you end up working with you will become part of one of our research groups: Geodynamics and basin studies, Geochemistry and geobiology, Geophysics and Qauternary geology and paleoclimate

The Master’s program consists of two components: a course part totaling 60 credits and the master’s project and thesis of 60 credits. The total workload for the master’s program is 120 credits, equivalent to two years of study. You start by finding your project and supervisor, have a look below on how to get started!

How do I find a project to work on? 

Use the menu below. Consult the projects description, and decide on which research theme you are interested in, and to some extent, which project you prefer. Also consult the listed courses for each project - do the courses match you background?

Contact the listed supervisor to learn more. In some cases, supervisors get contacted by several students. We will try our best to facilitate that all students get to write their thesis on a preferred topic, but we need you to keep in mind that each supervisor has a limited capasity of undertaking master's students. All students that are granted admission to our program will be allocated a project and a supervisor within the first couple of weeks after semester start. 

In rare cases with more interested students on a project than the capasity allows, we will have to range the interested students by grades. This is only applicable in rare situations, and we strive to find solutions together with our students. 

If none of the listed projects seem to suit you, it is also possible to design your own Master's project together with one of our supervisors from our academic staff. In this case, we ask you to contact interesting superviros to pitch your idea. For more information about this process, or guidance to which supervisor to contact, please reach our to the programme coordinator (Vilde Dimmen). 

We also reccomend you to visit the webpage for each of our research groups (link in menu below), to consult which projects has been given earlier. Many of our research themes are still highly relevant and can be reformed to new projects. 

Which courses should I choose? 

At The Deptartment of Earth Sciences, all courses has an early deadline for sign up (Wednesday week 33 / Wednesday week 2).  

All students must by the first copuple of days, within the deadline, consult which courses to sign up for in StudentWeb. External students from outside of UiB may find trouble adding courses in StudentWeb. Consult the Programme Coordinator to open your preferred courses.

Courses relevant for your Master's project can be found in the project description, or by consulting your supervisor, or your preferred research group.

NB!! This process is our top priority during the semester start week, do not hesitate to reach out!

Master's Projects in Geochemistry and geobiology

Check out previous projects from this group here! 

This research group also runs the Centre for Deep Sea Research - check out their pages as well (internal link) for previous/ongoing projects!




Master's Projects in Geophysics

Check out previous projects from this group here! 


Rock physics analysis of geophysical data from Mars

Morten JakobsenPer Avseth (Dig Science)

Finite difference based wave simulation in porous media

Morten JakobsenAdrian Florin Radu
Synergies between seismic and medical ultrasoundMorten JakobsenProfessor Einar Iversen 
Inversion of seismic velocities using drill-bit seismic wavesEinar IversenDr. Alexander Goertz (OCTIO AS), Endre Vange Bergfjord (OCTIO AS)
Modeling and Inversion of Multiply Scattered WavesHenk KeersProfessor  Einar Iversen 
Development of a ground motion prediction equation for NorwayMathilde B. SørensenProfessor Lars Ottemöller
Modelling of controlled-source electromagnetic data using fast integral
equation methods
Morten JakobsenDr. Malte Sommer 
Local earthquake tomography between Bergen Arcs and Hardangerfjord shear zoneLars OttemöllerDr. Felix Halpaap, Professor Stéphane Rondenay (GE
Fast Ray Tracing and Imaging Using GPUsHenk KeersProfessor  Einar Iversen, Martin Sarajærvi (Schlumberger, Stavanger)
Earthquakes in Southern NorwayLars OttemöllerDr. Felix Halpaap 
Seismic Monitoring of CO2 StorageHenk KeersDr. Martin Sarajærvi, Schlumberger Stavanger (medveileder)
Electromagnetic methods in borehole geophysicsMorten JakobsenDr. Sergey Alayev, NORCE
Structure and Dynamics of the Inner and Outer CoreHenk KeersThomas Meier (Uni. Kiel, Germany), Johannes Stampa (Uni. Kiel, Germany), Sergei Lebedev (Uni. Cambridge)
Machine Learning and Modeling Techniques for Regional Seismology – An Application to Southern EuropeHenk KeersThomas Meier (Uni. Kiel, Germany), Johannes Stampa (Uni. Kiel, Germany), Sergei Lebedev (Uni. Cambridge)
Marine Geophysics - Modeling and Full Waveform Inversion of Marine Seismic DataHenk KeersTora Myklebust, AkerBP
Modeling and Inversion of Ocean Acoustic Data for Climate ChangeHenk Keers    TBD

Master's Projects in Quaternary geology and Paleoclimate

Check out previous projects from this group here! 

Project titleMain supervisorCo-supervisor(s)

Traces of common era Atlantic storms, eruptions, and floods captured by Azorean lake sediments

Willem van der BiltPedro Raposeiro (Universidade dos Açores)

Mapping winter melt events at Folgefonna glacier with radar remote sensing

Ben RobsonAndreas Born

Exploring regional variability in the timing of Quaternary glaciation in the monsoon-influenced Himalaya

Ann RowanKarlijn Ploeg, Henriette Linge, Bjarte Hannisdal 

Novel approaches to assessing calcite microstructure and preservation of foraminifera and the implications for paleoclimate reconstructions

Nele MecklerLeonardo Pasqualetto, Victoria Taylor

Climate reconstructions from glacier length records

Andreas BornJostein Bakke, Jarle B. Sleire

Atlantic Ocean nutrient, carbon and oxygen supply in the Pliocene greenhouse world

Frida S. HoemUlysses Ninnemann
Assessment and understanding of the simulated Last Glacial Maximum climateKerim H. NisanciogluChuncheng Guo (NORCE Climate)
The future of the Greenland ice sheetAndreas BornTobias Zolles
Climate changes and flood frequencies in Western Norway - reconstruction of Holocene flooding frequence on Jæren based on studies of lake sediments from OgnaJostein BakkeJohannes Hardeng, Pål Ringkjøb Nielsen, Jan Magne Cederstrøm
Deglaciation in the mid-Scandinavian mountains - Ice dammed lakes and a catastrophic eventJostein BakkeCarl Regnell (Uni Stockholm), Johannes Hardeng
Geological and glacial processes along the inner Mid-North Norwegian continental shelfJo BrendryenChristian H. Eide, Haflidi Haflidason
Reconstruction of Storskavlen, Aurland, based on mapping and examination of lake sedimentsPål Ringkjøb NielsenJostein Bakke
Decadal changes in mass at Folgefonna glacierBen RobsonJostein Bakke, Jan Magne Cederstrøm, Pål Ringkjøb Nielsen
Aeolian activity through the late Holocene at Skardasanden, RogalandPål Ringkjøb NielsenBen Robson, Jan Magne Cederstrøm
Reconstruction of landslide frequency and palaeoclimate at Kerguelen, southern Indian OceanJostein BakkeJarle Sleire, Jan Magne Cederstrøm
Land temperature changes in South Africa during the last glacial cycle as backdrop for human cognitive evolutionNele MecklerJenny Maccali
Climate and mass extinction: Deep-sea temperature change at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundaryNele MecklerVicky Taylor
The evolution of debris-covered glaciers formed by gold mining in KyrgyzstanAnn RowanAndreas Born, Stewart Jamieson (Durham University, UK)
Analyzing basin-scale sedimentary processes in Lake Midsommer to reconstruct Holocene glacial dynamics in northern Greenland Jostein Bakke Nicolas Balascio (Queen Mary Collegage, USA), Jan Magne Cederstrøm 
Evaluating the deglacial history of the Wandel Dal valley, northern Greenland Jostein Bakke 

Nicolas Balascio (Queen Mary Collegage, USA), Ben Robson

Improving constraints on the hydroclimate variability of northern Greenland Jostein Bakke Nicolas Balascio (Queen Mary Collegage, USA)