Department of Earth Science
Internal guidelines GEO

For employees at GEO

Useful shortcuts for employees at Geo

Main content

GEO Nyheter

GEO Nyheter - internal newsletter for employees at GEO (replaced "Geoviten" 1.1.2022) sent out on Fridays, the editions are archived in TEAMS - You can find them under the team: All employees at GEO under "General" and "Files"


You are welcome to send an e-mail to post@geo.uib.no  with your new
•    media and outreach activity. If possible, send a direct link to the article or program (or pdf file, mp3 file or the like). 
•    publication – including some words to presentation 
•    pictures, and info from conferences, fieldwork / tour to the next geoviten 

Meetings etc. can also be included in the department’s web calendar. https://www.uib.no/geo/kalender   (send info to post@geo.uib.no)

Handbook for teaching staff at GEO

Handbook for teaching staff at GEO

Here, teachers will find a lot of important information about what you need to think about as new academic leader and lecturing, what deadlines apply and what software you need to know. You will also find links to useful resources that both you and the students at UiB will benefit from knowing.

Guests - procedure before they arrive

Inviting and hosting guest researchers is a natural and welcomed part of our academic work. It is, however, crucial to act according to our routines and procedures when planning to invite a guest, and visitors will need to be approved before arrivel.

Please fill in this Guest application form in due time (for the contact person only)

Every guest must have a responsible host/contact person. In order for the guest's stay to be as rewarding as possible, we ask you as the contact person to answer a number of practical matters in the application form, that must be clarified before the guest arrives.

Guest students at Master and Bachelor level, has lower priority for office space. They have the possibility as other students to use the Library and such common facilities at Campus.

The responsible host complete this application form and send it in as soon as you have all the necessary information so that we in the administration can make the preparations that we have to make.


UiB guesthouses - more information can be found here.

Field works, cruises and group travels - Important! These must be reported well in advance of departure!

All field works, cruises and group travels have to be reported by academic leader/travel leader. Please, follow the procedure underneath. 

This includes all field works, cruises, all field and cruise courses, all academic trips including students and all other academic trips with five or more participants.

  • Academic leader/travel leader (project leader/supervisor/field leader/cruise leader/emneansvarlig*/masterstudents that travel alone*): 
  1. prepares a a risk assessment of field work/cruise/group travel that must be uploaded by the form below. For info on what a risk assessment is, read here and read GEO's internal guidelines (see below). All participants should participate in mapping and assessment of risk.
  2. Report fild/cruise and group journeys via this form: Field, cruice and group journey, well in advance of departure!
  3. Fill out the checklist for the academic leader and upload this by the form above or submit to post@geo.uib.no (can be found in teams "for employees at GEO")
  4. for all field- and cruise courses (emner), and other travels with students, the leader has to go through the risk assesment with the Head of administration well in advance of depature. 
  • All participants
  1. must keep up to date on UiB's routines and guidelines
  2. must familiarize themselves / participate in risk assessment and ensure that relatives' information is in place before the trip (follow the link)

* Master students traveling alone in the field are academic leader themselves and should follow up on this responsibility.

Absence - travels, field/cruises, meetings, seminars, home office, sickness and leaves

Travels and full-day absence from the office (travels, field/cruise, academic meetings, seminars, conferences, courses, home office and time off)

  • Please, reported via GEO's absence form in advance
  • A business travels registered in advance is considered an approved business trip (a travel permit is then granted).
  • Absence that is not registered is not approved and this can have consequences for unwanted incidents (insurance settlement, assistance, etc.)

Before travels

  • Please, remember to get your travel approved by e-mail from your supervisor/project manager/group leader as also includ infomation about where the travel costs should be covered (delprosjektnummer). This e-mail must be attached to your travel settlement if you are not the project manager yourself.
  • Field works and cruises, all field and cruise courses, all trips and fieldwork with students and all other trips with five or more participants - must also be reported by the supervisor/project manager via this form Fields, cruises and group travel, well in advance of departure! Read more under own heading above.

Tip before traveling. More information on travel, ordering travel, travel insurance and travel settlement can be found on UiB's employee pages: Travel


  • Report as soon as possible the first day of sickness to the adminitration (post@geo.uib.no/phone 55583600) and to the nearest manager (supervisor for fellows/postdoctoral fellow and group leader for permanent staff)
  • In addition, self-notification must be registered in the Self-service portal when one is back at work.
  • Sickness notification from a doctor normally comes electronically to UiB (must still be delivered in paper during hospital stays). Sick leave from a doctor must be obtained for sick leave over 8  consecutive days and otherwise if necessary.
  • New employees cannot use selv-report for the first two months they have been appointed and must then have sick leave from a doctor.

Time off

  • Technical/administrative staff have an agreement on flexible working hours and can then also offset any accumulated additional time. Working hours and off hours register in My Time in the Self-service portal. Dismantling of any accumulated additional time must be planned and agreed with the nearest supervisor
  • When time off give Full-day absence, please submit this also via GEO's absence form


  • All emplyees are entitled to vacation and are obliged to terminate their earned holiday. Holidays are agreed with the nearest supervisor/group leader and planned and approved in advance of the holiday in the Self-service portal. More information about vacation in your employee handbook on UiB's staff pages.

Leave of absence

  • Permissions  (parental leave, welfare leave etc) are applied through the Self-service portal. Contact the HR consultant for the department for more information.

* More information about travel and travel insurance can be found in your employee handbook on UiBs staff pages:Travel
Travel Settlement for the trip: After the trip is completed, travel expenses are submitted via the Self-service portal. Permanent and temporary staff at UiB can aply for the EuroCard credit card for travel expenses. When you use the credit card from EuroCard, travel insurance is included in the card. Read more about the insurance terms.


Report HSE non-conformities

Access to our labs

To access our labs, the following procedures apply;

Geo employees; Contact the technical laboratory responsible for HSE training at the current lab

Master students; Contact your supervisor if it is relevant to have access to the lab, then contact the technical lab manager for HSE training in the lab, the supervisor must sign the form, the form is returned to the technical lab responsible who scans the form and sends it to Trine Lise, the original is stored in the lab or at the lab responsible office.

Technical group leader: Olav Audun Bjørkelund

LaboratoriumTechn. Lab.responsible
TIMS-Clean LabYuval Ronen
BiogeochemistryEoghan Reeves
Uranium LabJenny Maccali
ICP-MSSiv Hjorth Dundas
Chrushing roomLubna Al-Saadi
Saw roomLubna Al-Saadi
Core ScannerJan Magne Cederstrøm
Earth Lab chronologyJan Magne Cederstrøm
Thin Section LabOlav Audun Bjørkelund
Heavy LiquidLubna Al-Saadi
Sediment LabJan Magne Cederstrøm
Kosmo LabLars Evje
Raman LabLeif-Erik Rydland Pedersen
Farlab Pål-Tore Mørkved
Earth-lab CT-labJan Magne Cederstrøm
Geomicrobiology LabSven Le Moine Bauer
ElektronmikrosondeIrene Heggstad


Booking of labs at Geo: All bruk av laboratorier og instrumenter skal registreres i det nye
bestillersystemet. Bestillinger gjøres her.

Wiki før bestilling her.

Laboratory Facilities


Local work for gender balance, equality, diversity, and inclusivity 

The Department of Earth Science shall aim to improve diversity and gender balance among staff and students. The department shall be a place where students, staff and visitors are welcomed and included on equal terms, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, age, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, economic status or other backgrounds. 

The contact point for issues, any experiences with balancing work or the lack of it at GEO, which you may want to record or simply share with someone is: 

Alternatively, such topics/problems* can be taken up with the Head of department, Head of administration, safety representative or other members of the local working group for local balance work (see below). Students can register such topics/problems via Speak up!

*) Notifications from employees about objectionable matters must follow UiB's guidelines and be reported via an electronic notification form

The Department of Earth Sciences' "Action plan for local gender balance, equality, diversity and inclusion" is available on TEAMS in the team "For alle ansatte ved GEO". The aim of the action plan is to increase diversity and equality/gender balance among employees and students. 

GEO also actively participates in the project GenderAct, "A project for cultural change and gender balance" at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

A working group for equality, diversity and inclusion has been appointed at GEO, with a mandate to draw up an action plan and to assume responsibility for measures being implemented. The group has monthly meetings and the action plan that has been drawn up, made available on TEAMS and presented in GEONyheter and at information meetings, is a living document. 

The working group consists of: 


Who does what in the administrasjonen

Orders / supplies

GEO's regular "orderers" must be used for all orders/purchases, except for personal travel.

Interactive procurement map: Procurement and purchasing

To order catering/meeting food, transport and accommodation for joint courses, hotel and accommodation for guests, use the form below:
Catering/meeting food

We order food from Sammen Catering. In the form, we have entered the most common orders. If you want to order something else or food from another supplier, use the open field to describe the order.

Field courses, educational trips, accommodation, for opponents, etc. to be paid via invoice

Procedure for orders:

  1. The subject manager orders accommodation/transport with a supplier (eg Berg-Hansen/tel (+47 220) 08050 or send an e-mail to bestilling@berg-hansen.no and from Avtalehotell)
  2. The confirmation from the supplier and other information is uploaded here: Enter the order confirmation and information about the field course
  3. Orders are then entered into the order system by the administration

Hotel/flight for guests

Preferably, visiting guests should book and prepay their own trips themselves and ask for a refund in Payme after the trip has been completed.

Exceptionally, we can assist with booking travel and accommodation. You must then collect an offer from Berg-Hansen for your hotel and/or flight booking on behalf of guests and order confirmation for this should be sent to post@geo.uib.no.

In very special cases, the administration can assist with booking - then this form Book hotel/travel for guests must be completed and the administration contacted.

Books and publications

Books and publications must initially be purchased from Akademika, which is UiB's supplier. This must be done through the ordering system. Books that cannot be obtained at Akademika can be purchased from other suppliers.

The following information must be sent to the orderer at GEO:

  • Where should the invoice be charged - Enter project/annum/operating funds/etc
  • Book Title:
  • Author:
  • Release year:
  • ISBN:

Follow the links for information on ordering:

Language washing

Business Cards

Doctoral theses


Travel (own) - order

Business trips must be booked via Berg-Hansen.

UiB has an agreement with Berg-Hansen, which covers the purchase of flights, hotels, rental cars and trains (VY), visa services and arranging group travel.

For more information about travel, credit cards, booking travel, travel insurance and travel settlement follow the link

To order your own travel, follow UiB's procedures here

Booking travel (FEIDE login)

Seach on UiB's Contract catalogue (avtaleportalen) to find hotell UiB has agreements with in Norway


Room / Teaching room UiB - booking

GEO meetingroom - booking

Møterom ved GEO bestilles via Outlook kalender (Krystallen former Petrografikurssalen), Aud. 5 og Jøkulen (former Pal.Strat. Kurssalen) is via UiB booking):

1Kvartsitten (room nr 3G10e-3153A)w/projector, pc and sound (which must be booked through the administration)
2iEarthrommet (rom 3D17d-3130)w/digital tablet/computer, incl webcam and mic/speaker (booked via outlook calendar, approval iEarth coordinator before awarded)
3Geomorfologirommet (3F14a-3145)w/projector, webcam and sound, computer must be brought (booked via outlook calendar)
4Kontinentalsokkelrommet (2G16c-2134)w/projector, pc (booked via outlook calendar)
5EPOS møterom (2F18d-2130)w/large screen, pc, webcam and mic/speaker (use agreed with EPOS)
6Head of Department's meeting room (3A14d-3117)w/digital board computer form incl webcam, sound/speaker, (must be clarified with the head of department in advance)
7Steinbiten (2A14f-2112)w/projector and screen, (booked outside lunch time in outlook calendar)
8VideokonferanseromUIB booking(Outside GEO's areas)

 Ordered via outlook calendar as follows:

  1. New meeting
  2. Location - here you will find Rom... far right - scroll all the way down to GEO - xxx
  3. Fill in the date etc
  4. Voíla!

Where do I find the room (see mazemap)


Event support

Event support for courses and conferences : https://www.uib.no/foransatte/45383/arrangementsst%C3%B8tte

Look for suppliers  etc i Agreement Portal


Department cars - booking

Guidelines for the use of department cars (Norwegian)

GEO - Ford Transit

GEO - Toyota

Ordered via outlook calendar as follows:

  1. New meeting
  2. Location - here you will find Rom... far right - scroll all the way down to GEO - xxx
  3. Fill in the date etc
  4. Voíla!

Digital equipment for teaching /meetings - booking

Mobile Webcam with microphone and speaker for Zoom/TEAMS meetings and other equipment can be borrowed from the administration. (Book via outlook first - see list below for equipment)

GEO - Høytalertelefon 1 - 4booked via outlook calendar
GEO - Konferanse kamera 1-2booked via outlook calendar
GEO - Laptop 1-2booked via outlook calendar
GEO - Prosjektør 1-2booked via outlook calendar
GEO - Trådløs mikrofon 1-5booked via outlook calendar
GEO - Videokamerabooked via outlook calendar
GEO - Kontor (Office) at Folgefonnsenteretbooked via outlook calendar

Ordered via outlook calendar as follows:

  1. New meeting
  2. Location - here you will find Rom... far right - scroll all the way down to GEO - xxx
  3. Fill in the date etc
  4. Voíla!

    Professor II / associate professor II

    Pr. August 2024 - telephone/address list

    Camilla Snowman Andresen, Professor II i Klima og paleoklima (1.6.2024-31.5.2026)
    Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
    Email: csa@geus.dk

    Johanna Annala, Førsteamanuensis II i iEarth Utdanning (1.5.2024-30.4.2026)
    Universitetet i Tampere, Helsinki, Finland
    Email: johanna.annala@tuni.fi

    Nicolas L. Balascio, Førsteamanuensis II i iEarth Utdanning (1.4.2024-31.3.2026)
    William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA.
    Email: nbalascio@wm.edu

    Chatrine Bovill, professor II i iEarth (01.10.2022-30.09.2024)
    Institute for Academic Development, University of Edinburgh
    Email: catherine.bovill@ed.ac.uk

    Hilary Corlett, Førsteamanuensis II i karbonatgeologi (1.7.2024-30.6.2026)
    Memorial University of Newfoundland
    Email: Hilary.Corlett@mun.ca

    Christian Hermanrud, prof II i Geodynamikk og bassengstudier (1.11.23-31.10.25)
    Specialist and activity leader for Co2 storage, Equinor Forskningssenter i Trondheim
    Tlf: 95811362 
    Email: che@equinor.com

    Björn Johan Emil Burr Nyberg, Førsteamanuensis II i Geodynamikk og bassengstudier (1.4.2024-31.3.2027)
    Email: bjorn.nyberg@uib.no

    Sabina Strmic Palinkas, Professor II i Geokjemi og Geobiologi (1.5.2024-30.4.2026)
    Professor, Univ. i Tromsø
    Tlf: 776 25 177
    Email: Sabina.s.palinkas@uib.no 

    Tor Oftedal Sømme, Førsteamanuensis II i Geodynamikk og bassengstudier (1.9.2024-31.8.2026)
    Tlf: 951 30 628
    Email: Tor. Somme@uib.no