ERC-Grants at department of Earth Science
ERC grants are the most prestigious funding scheme in EUs Framework programs for Research and Innovation. They are granted to excellent researchers working on pioneering and ambitious research ideas. Several researchers at GEO have been awarded the prestigious grants for their projects from the European Research Council in the form of ERC grants.
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The main objective of the European Research Council (ERC) is to promote high-quality research in Europe by investing in the best researchers and the best ideas. ERC grants are awarded to researchers working in Europe based on their ideas and scientific skills in any field of study. Because the research areas are not determined by politicians, this means that funding is more widely distributed on new and promising research projects with a high degree of flexibility.
ERC Starting Grant
Nele Meckler
C4T (2015-2020)Climate change across Cenozoic cooling steps reconstructed with clumped isotope thermometry
Anna Nele Meckler has her background from environmental science and geology. She specialises in reconstructions of past climate using ocean sediments and cave rock (stalagmite) as archives. The C4T project will mainly focus on 1) decreasing the necessary sample size as much as possible and 2) investigating secondary influences besides temperature. The proxy allows reconstruction of ocean temperature and global ice volume changes across major glaciation events in different eras. Read more here.
C4T in ERCs project database
ERC Synergy Grant
The ERC Synergy Grants are intended to enable a small group of Principal Investigators and their teams to bring together complementary skills, knowledge, and resources in new ways, in order to jointly address research problems of high scientific importance.
Eystein Jansen / Kerim Hestnes Nisancioglu
ICE2ICE (2014 - 2019)Arctic Sea Ice and Greenland Ice Sheet Sensitivity
UiB professors Eystein Jansen and Kerim Nisancioglu are two of four principal investigators in ICE2ICE, an interdisciplinary climate project, encompassing Danish and Norwegian researchers, which aims to investigate what will happen with the Greenland ice sheet if the sea ice in the Norwegian Sea and the Arctic Ocean disappears. Ice2Ice combines understanding of interconnections of sea-ice and the Greenland ice sheet in the past with research on modern and future conditions.
Project homepageNews article on ICE2ICE