Here you will find among other things, our pulikasjonsregister and an overview of the medium in which scientists at the Institute have contributed or responded.
Main content
Extreme weather, landslides and floods
Mathilde B. Sørensen
Isabelle Lecomte
Atle Nesje
Atle Rotevatn, professor at department of Earth Science
Theme: Overvåking av fjellpartier, how landslides, geologi generelt
Contact: 55 58 33 90 / 481 09 959, Atle.Rotevatn@geo.uib.no
Jostein Bakke, professor at department of Earth Science
Theme: Landslides, floods, endringer i isbreer, klimaendringer, Arktis
Contact: 55 58 35 03 / 992 73 343, Jostein.Bakke@geo.uib.no
Atle Nesje, professor department of Earth Science
Theme: Landslides, floods og endringer i isbreer
Contact: 55 58 36 02 / 913 92 574, Atle.Nesje@geo.uib.no
Christian Haug Eide, Associate Professor at department of Earth Science
Theme: Landslides, floods
Contact: 55 58 33 90 / 911 21 561, Christian.Eide@uib.no
Haakon Fossen, professor department of Earth Science
Theme: Landslides og rassikring, geology in general
Contact: 55 58 34 95 / 970 18 795, Haakon.Fossen@um.uib.no
Volcanoes and volcanic ash
Haflidi Haflidason, Professor at department of Earth Science, UiB og Bjerknessenteret.
Theme: Vulkanske askelag, vulkanske systemer, klimahistorie
Contact: 930 32 395, Haflidi.Haflidason@geo.uib.no
Jostein Bakke, Professor at department of Earth Science, UiB og Bjerknessenteret.
Theme: Vulkanske askelag, istider, breer, glasiologi, bresmelting, klimahistorie
Contact: 55 58 35 03 / 992 73 343, Jostein.Bakke@geo.uib.no
Christian Haug Eide, Associate Professor at department of Earth Science
Theme: Volcanoes, volcanic eruption
Contact: 55 58 33 90 / 911 21 561, Christian.Eide@uib.no
Jan Mangerud, professor emeritus at department of Earth Science, UiB og Bjerknessenteret.
Theme: Vulkanske askelag, istider, klimahistorie
Contact: 55 58 35 04 / 909 44 946, Jan.Mangerud@uni.no
Les Mangeruds kronikker om vulkaner m.m.
Seismic research in Bergen
Report Earthquakes 24 hour open phone: 55 58 26 17 or e-mail:seismo@uib.no
Did you feel the Earthquake? - Report EarthQuake (The form will appear when an earthquake is reported)
Jordskjelvstasjonen i Bergen - Skjelv.no
Kuvvet Atakan, Professor in sesmology, UiB
Contact: 958 77 982 / 55 58 20 78, Kuvvet.Atakan@uib.no
Mathilde B. Sørensen, Associate Professor in seismology, UiB.
Earthquake and tsunamies
Contact: 466 21 089 / 55 58 34 26, Mathilde.Sorensen@uib.no
Lars Ottemöller, Professor in seismology, UiB
Contact: 467 82 534 /55 58 26 16, Lars.Ottemoller@uib.no
Berit Marie Storheim, Chief Engineer, information about local and remote earthquakes
Contact person for school groups
Contact: 55 58 34 12, Berit.Storheim@uib.no
Ulysses Ninnemann
Andreas Born
Bjarte Hannisdal
Kerim Hestnes Nisancioglu, Professor department of Earth Science
Theme: klimadynamikk, isdynamikk, paleoklima, klimamodellering
Contact: 55 58 98 66, 980 49 414, Kerim@uib.no
Eystein Jansen, Professor department of Earth Science
Theme: Klimaforandringer
Contact: 55 58 34 91, 906 18 858, Eystein.Jansen@uib.no
Jostein Bakke, Professor at the Department of Geosciences, UiB and Bjerknessenteret.
Theme: Ice Age, Breeder, Glassiology, Fusion, Climate History
Contact: 55 58 35 03/992 73 343, Jostein.Bakke@geo.uib.no
Haflidi Haflidason, Professor at the Department of Geoscience, UiB and Bjerknessenteret.
Theme: climate history
Contact: 930 32 395, Haflidi.Haflidason@geo.uib.no
Helga (Kikki) Flesche Kleiven Førsteamanuensis ved Institutt for geovitenskap, UiB og Bjerknessenteret
Tema: Fortidsklima/paleoklima, klimahistorie, havstrømmer, global oppvarming
Kontakt: 55 58 35 35/416 06 451, kikki@uib.no
Jan Mangerud, Geologist and Professor at the Department of Geoscience, UiB and Bjerknessenteret.
Theme: Ice Age, Climate HistoryContact: 55 58 35 04/909 44 946, jan.mangerud@geo.no
Atle Nesje, Professor of the Department of Geoscience
Theme: Climate, race, flood and changes in glaciers
Contact: 55 58 36 02/913 92 574, Atle.Nesje@geo.uib.no
Atle Rotevatn
Ritske Huismans
Rob Gawthorpe
Oil/Gas Exploration/Production
Atle Rotevatn, professor at department of Earth Science
Theme: Oil exploration, reservoirs
Contact:55 58 33 90 / 481 09 959, Atle.Rotevatn@uib.no
Christian Haug Eide, Associate Professor at department of Earth Science
Theme: Oil exploration, reservoirs
Contact: 55 58 33 90 / 911 21 561, Christian.Eide@uib.no
Renewable energy
Atle Rotevatn, professor at department of Earth Science
Contact:55 58 33 90 / 481 09 959, Atle.Rotevatn@uib.no
Mineraler, Vann,
Rolf Birger Pedersen
Desiree Roerdink
Jostein Bakke
Andreas Beinlich
Found a "funny" or interesting rock?
Maybe these persons can help you to get the answer?
Joachim Jacobs (Professor ved Geo), Haakon Fossen (professor ved Universitetsmuseet i Bergen)
Offer to visitors
Contact for opplegg for skoleklasser with Berit Marie Storheim, Overingeniør, informasjon/opplegg om lokale og fjerne jordskjelv