First meeting for the LEAD AI programme
This week, the group tasked with developing future leaders in artificial intelligence gathered.

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Throughout the years, several research groups at UiB have dedicated their efforts to artificial intelligence, and there's plenty more to come...
The LEAD AI program is funded jointly by the faculties and the EU, with a total budget of approximately 130 million NOK (11.47 million euros) for the years 2024 to 2028. These funds will be spent on hiring 19 postdoctoral researchers and to create a platform where researchers can build expertise across disciplines.
The gathering on Wednesday served as an introductory meeting where representatives from various parts of the university and external partners presented some of their perspectives.

Pinar Heggernes og Marija Slavkovik i en kaffepause.
"It's great that we have involved so many academic communities in this," says Deputy Rector Pinar Heggernes, who is herself a Professor of informatics.
"This gives us the strength to research different aspects of artificial intelligence."
Some of the aspects presented at the meeting included fundamental research, AI in medicine, challenges with "biased" AI, legal questions about copyright, and more.
"As we saw in today's meeting, UiB has many academic communities which thrive in their fields of AI research," says project leader Inge Jonassen.
"Through LEAD AI, we will further strengthen these academic communities, bring them closer together, and develop future leaders in this field."