Department of Clinical Science

News archive for Department of Clinical Science

After such a long time without being able to organize conferences in person, the European Association of Faculties of Pharmacy (EAFP) managed to organize its annual conference in Malta in May. The FREMFARM team was there of course.
In an interview with journalist Marit Aaby Vebenstad (published 28.06.2022 in the Norwegian oncology journal Brystkreft), Per Eystein Lønning from Mohn Cancer Research Laboratory talks about the promising effect of Lynparza as monotherapy in the treatment of triple negative breast cancer in the clinical trial Petremac.
Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet (04.06.2022 (digital edition) and 21.06.2022 (paper edition)) and Swedish newspaper Expressen (12.06.2022) both mention a research project that is a collaboration between the Breast Cancer Group at Mohn Cancer Research Laboratory and the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) in USA. The research study describes a new type of mechanism that is triggered during early... Read more
In an interview with journalist Julie Kalveland from Dagens Medisin (04.06.2022) Professor Per Eystein Lønning shares the most important findings from a Norwegian-American collaboration study on BRCA1-methylation in breast and ovarian cancer. These findings were presented orally by Lønning at ASCO (03.06.2022).
A satisfied organizing committee after the very successful 6th Female Heart Workshop which was held at Solstrand Hotel May 19-20, 2022.