Research Group in Welfare Law

Reports and committee work:

Research group members regularly contribute to reports and legalisation committees. Below is an outline of committees relevant for the research group’s main foci and in which group members have contributed.

Main content

The Rights of the Child on the child’s terms

The Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion commissioned a legal review of the relationship between the UN Convention on the Right of the Child and Norwegian law. Karl Harald Søvig lead the review group. The report was published in the UiB Faculty of Law journal No. 115, 2009. Read more about the work and download the report in Norwegian at the Ministry website.

Committee on the reform of illegal drug use

Henriette Sinding Aasen was a member of the committee that delivered the report NOU 2019: 26 Rusreform – fra straff til hjelp [Reform on Illegal Drug Use – from Punishment to Support].

Health Care in Child Welfare Institutions

PhD fellow Lill Haukanes Best and professor Karl Harald Søvig delivered the report «Helsetenester i barneverninstitusjonar» [Health Care in Child Welfare Institutions ] commissioned by The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth, and Family Affairs (Bufdir) in 2016. See full text in Norwegian here. 

The inclusion committee 

Henriette Sinding Aasen was a member of the committee that delivered the report NOU 2011: 14: Bedre integrering— Mål, strategier, tiltak [Better Integration – Objectives, Strategies, Efforts].

Human Rights Aspects Connected to Female Genital Mutilation and Health Care Examination

Henriette Sinding Aasen was involved in the writing of the report "Menneskerettslige aspekter knyttet til kjønnslemlestelse og helseundersøkelser" [Human Rights Aspects Connected to Female Genital Mutilation and Health Care Examination] commissioned by Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion, delivered on April 30th, and published in the journal of the Department of Public and International Law nr 5/2008.

NOU 2016:13 Freedom of Conscience in Working Life

NOU 2009: 1 Individuals and integrity

Henriette Sinding Aasen was a member of the committee that delivered NOU 2009: 1 Individ og integritet – personvern i det digitale samfunnet [Individuals and Integrity – Privacy Protection in the Digital Society].

NOU 2007:6 Objectives for the Future

Henriette Sinding Aasen was a member of the committee that delivered the report NOU 2007: 6 Formål for framtida. Formål for barnehagen og opplæringen [Objectives for the Future. Objectives for Kindergartens and Teaching].

NOU 2001: 19 Biobanks

Henriette Sinding Aasen was a member of the committee that delivered the report NOU 2001: 19 Biobanker. Innhenting, oppbevaring, bruk og destruksjon av humant biologisk materiale [Biobanks. Collection, Storage, Use, and Destruction of Human Biological Material].