New Doctors in the town
Congratulations to Nikolay, Dan and Sachin!!!

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In the last week, our group celebrated three successful PhD defences.
Nikolay Stoyanov Kaleyski defended his PhD thesis titled "Towards a deeper understanding of APN functions and related longstanding problems" on August 24, 2021. Nikolay in his thesis considered several important problems about APN functions that have been open for 10-20 years, solving some of them completely and making a progress in other problems.
Dan Zhang defended her PhD thesis titled "Design of sequences with good correlation properties" on August 26, 2021. In her thesis, Dan concentrates on sequences with good correlation properties, particularly sequence sets with low and even perfect correlation properties and optimal zero-correlation sequence sets that have found applications in 4G LTE and 5G NR mobile communication systems.
Sachin Jayesh Valera defended his PhD thesis titled "Topological quantum and skein-theoretic aspects of braided fusion categories" on August 27, 2021. In his thesis, Sachin first provides a novel derivation of the quantum algebraic properties of anyons, showing that the different types of anyons in a system are detected by a special braid that possesses some beautiful internal symmetries; and use some graphical techniques to learn more about the structure and invariants of braided fusion categories, which are intricate algebraic gadgets that contain lots of information about anyonic systems.
Congratulations to Dr. Nikolay Stoyanov Kaleyski, Dr. Dan Zhang and Dr. Sachin Jayesh Valera. The Selmer Center wishes all the best to their future careers.