Årringen 2020-2021
The yearbook came out at the beginning of December, including a major article on forests and the history behind the many non-native conifers found in the Arboretum.

Main content
This year's Årringen is a double issue, with a whopping 195 pages. The main feature is an exciting story about tree planting and forestry in Western Norway, and about forest research at Bergen's museum more than a hundred years ago, all accompanied by descriptions of the relevant tree species. One such species is West American hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla), which has begun to spread rapidly and is now a threat to the plant collections in the Arboretum. In the fight against hemlock, the old seed trees have been removed this autumn, with external help and financial support from the State Administrator.
The yearbook also contains articles about Bergen's forest history, conservation of the trees' genetic resources, conservation of heathers, and about the Rosariet's new attraction: the rose platform "Per Haralds plass". We also include a richly illustrated description of the activities in the University Gardens in 2019-2021.
Physical copies of Årringen have been sent to the members of the Arboretum's friend's association (Venneforeningen), and can be ordered by contacting the editors, e-mail: universitetshagene@uib.no.
All editions of Årringen dating back to 1997 are free to download as PDFs via links on our webpage: https://www.uib.no/en/universitygardens/135555/årringen, either as individual aricles (archived on the Bergen Open Research Archive, BORA) or as complete issues.