Losing nature: The state must take responsibility
In this newly published op-ed, we argue that the Norwegian state must take more responsibility for protecting natural ecosystems by tightening regulations on land use in municipalities.

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The Norwegian government recently published their plans for implementing the Global Biodiversity deal in Norway in their National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plan.
In this op-ed, Vigdis Vandvik, Siv Elén Vedvik and Ingunn Elise Myklebust delve into one of the most controversial topics in the Norwegian NBSAP - the relationship to municipal self-governance. We point out that it is problematic for the national government to give the municipalities the sole responsibility for saving nature. Especially when this is done without the national government taking responsibility itself, and when they provide few national goals and guidelines for how we as a society should take more care of nature in the future. First of all, this plan will not work for nature. Secondly, which should worry far more people, is that the government is undermining important parts of the Norwegian people's multi-level governance with this.