Department of Earth Science
Nordic Geoscientist Award

Nordic Geoscientist Award til professor emeritus Jan Mangerud

Professor emeritus Jan Mangerud has made outstanding research contributions in Quaternary geology during his career spanning more than 60 years . Throughout his research career, he has shown a unique ability to drive the subject forward, to adopt new methods and non traditional approaches, and to inspire students and colleagues both nationally and internationally.

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The nomination reads as follows:

"Nomination for professor emeritus Jan Mangerud to be the recipient of the NordicGeoscience Award in 2024.

Jan Mangerud has made outstanding research contributions in Quaternary geology during his career spanning more than 60 years . Throughout his research career, he has shown a unique ability to drive the subject forward, to adopt new methods and non traditional approaches, and to inspire students and colleagues both nationally and internationally. Among achievements Jan Mangerud and his co workers and students made, are the following:

  • At Fjøsanger, they made the first discovery in Norway of deposits from the Eemian warm period, 125,000 years ago. This was a sensational discovery because the geologists at the time believed that all such deposits had been eroded away by glaciers during the last ice age. The Fjøsanger find is still unique in Norwegian natural history.
  • They were instrumental in identifying that during the last glaciation there was a period when large parts of the coast of Norway were ice free with a rich wildlife, the Ålesund interstadial.
  • They demonstrated how ash from volcanic eruptions from Iceland can be used to date geological events in far field and pioneered the use of the Vedde Ash and Saksunarvatn Tephra as chronological marker horizons.
  • They pioneered research on the effects of the Storegga Slide tsunami, and how it affected the Norwegian coast approx. 8,000 years ago
  • Jan Mangerud, together with his team of PhD students, conducted investigations on Svalbard that changed our understanding of the Svalbard Barents Sea Ice Sheet and the glacial and sea level history of Svalbard.
  • Jan Mangerud and his team conducted important studies in northern Russia, better constraining the Late Quaternary Eurasian Ice Sheet. They were able to show the ice sheet early in the last glaciation had dammed the Pechora, Ob and Yenisei rivers (which today flow north to the Arctic Ocean). As a result, one of the world's largest lakes was formed between the glacier in the north and the watershed of the CaspianSea and the Black Sea in the south.

Jan Mangerud has been the central driving force to develop research and teaching in Quaternary geology at the University of Bergen and thus to make the institute an international leader in this field. Jan Mangerud has always been very active in the Nordic Quaternary community, and has rarely missed participating in the Nordic Geological Winter Meetings! Mangerud is a very active written and oral communicator of professional knowledge to the general public, and he is known for his ability to explain complicated relationships in a simple way. He has received a number of national and international awards and honors for his activities. Among these, he is the only non British citizen to have been awarded the prestigious James Croll medal for his contributions to the field of Quaternary geology. It is time for us to honour him with the Nordic Geoscience Award of 2024."